FAMU’s star-studded Homecoming 2016 celebration underway

big rattler
2 minute read
Some of today’s brightest stars are making their way to Tallahassee to help Florida A&M University (FAMU) celebrate its rich legacy during its annual Homecoming festivities.

The schedule is jam-packed with chart toppers and hitmakers such as R&B superstar Jeremih; popular comedian Rickey Smiley; famed ‘90s R&B quartet Jodeci; and some of FAMU’s most celebrated alumni, including super-producer Will Packer.

Titled, “A Different World: FAMU Pride, FAMU Tradition,” this year’s theme pays homage to the classic television show “A Different World,” which has been credited with inspiring viewers of all ages to celebrate the tradition and pride of historically Black colleges and universities.

For the first time, alumnus Leo Bennett, founder of Variety Entertainment, will bring the nationally renowned, “Funk Fest” to FAMU’s campus. A portion of the proceeds from the event will be donated to the University.

“Funk Fest is committed to positively impacting the communities we visit, which has resulted in us donating more than $100,000 in scholarships and resources to deserving students and organizations over the last two years,” Bennett said. “FAMU was an integral part of my success, and I am grateful for the opportunity to invest in the next generation of Rattlers.”

On Friday, Oct. 21, Jeremih and Jodeci will be joined on the festival stage by award-winning artists such as Tallahassee’s own T-Pain, Fantasia, Bel Biv Devoe, Uncle Luke, the 69 Boyz, 95 South, and Ghost Town DJs  – the masterminds behind this year’s viral “Running Man Challenge” theme song “My Boo.”

Packer will return to “the Hill” for several special events including a movie screening on Wednesday, Oct. 19, for the new movie “Almost Christmas” starring Danny Glover, Mo’Nique, and Gabrielle Union at AMC Theatres. On Saturday, Oct. 22, Packer will also participate in the annual Homecoming parade.

R&B sensation Tony Terry will join the Marching “100” for a special half-time performance during Saturday’s Homecoming game versus Hampton University. The performance is a part of the band’s 70th-anniversary celebration.

The “Freestyle Funny” Comedy Show hosted by Smiley, a syndicated radio host and television personality, will be held on Tuesday, October 18. On Thursday, October 20, there will be an entrepreneurial summit featuring alumni business leaders and an unveiling of a historical book that chronicles the history of the FAMU National Alumni Association.

For the full schedule of events and ticket information, visit: www.homecomingonthehill.com.

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