Committee will lead search for new FAMU head football coach

big rattler
1 minute read
Florida A&M University (FAMU) Athletic Director Milton Overton, Jr., announced Wednesday the formation of a committee that will help identify candidates for FAMU’s next head football coach. The committee will review candidates’ applications, conduct interviews and recommend finalists. Tallahassee physician and former Trustee Spurgeon McWilliams, MD, will serve as chair of the search committee.

Other committee members include: Emmitt Alexander, Sr., FAMU Boosters member; Lt. Col. Gregory L. Clark, president of the FAMU National Alumni Association; Keith Clinkscales, FAMU Foundation Board member; Selven Cobb, Rattler Boosters treasurer; John Eason, incoming interim director of Athletics; Shawnta Friday-Stroud, Ph.D., dean of the School of Business and Industry; Eddie Jackson, president of the 220 Quarterback Club (a group that supports FAMU Athletics programs); Darlene Moore, Ed.D., director of Track and Field; Ebenezer Oriaku, Ph.D., Athletics faculty representative; and Elijah Richardson, FAMU football player.

FAMU has a rich football history and faithful fans. Among historically Black colleges and universities, FAMU finished first in average home attendance in the Football Championship Subdivision, formerly Division 1-AA. The 2016 home attendance was 19,710. The football team also led the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference in both total and average home attendance.

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