Alexander says signing of SB 1712 “a huge step” for FAMU

big rattler
1 minute read
Earlier this week, state Rep. Ramon Alexander, D-Tallahassee, expressed his happiness in response to news that Gov. Rick Scott had signed his bill on “Postsecondary Revenue Bonds and Debt” into law.

“I appreciate Gov. Scott’s signing of SB 1712,” Alexander said in a quote in the Tallahassee Democrat. “Allowing Florida A&M University access to participate in the Historically Black College and University Capital Funding Program for future capital outlay projects is a huge step for the university in achieving infrastructure development goals and the highest educational success. This bill allows the university to take necessary steps to help ensure that.”

Alexander and Sen. Bill Montford, D-Tallahassee, filed identical versions of the bill in their respective chambers. The House substituted the Senate version, SB 1712, for its version, CS/HB 375, on March 5th. The bill was later enrolled and presented to governor on that same day.

FAMU President Larry Robinson and the Board of Trustees want to seek a HBCU Capital Financing Program loan to finance a planned 700-bed, on-campus student housing facility.

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