Obama to campaign for Gillum, Nelson, other Florida Democratic candidates

big rattler
1 minute read
Former U.S. President Barack Obama will campaign alongside Florida’s leading Democratic candidates on Nov. 2 in Miami.

Obama is coming to give a boost to the Democrats he has endorsed for the Nov. 6th election, including gubernatorial nominee Andrew Gillum and U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson.

“Barack Obama has been my friend since I first introduced him to Florida in 2005, when he was a rising political star,” Nelson said. “I cast a key vote in support of his healthcare reforms, and he and I fought for public schools and protecting Florida’s unique and treasured environment.”

Nelson introduced Obama, then the only African-American member of the U.S. Senate, to Floridians in the summer of 2005, via a trip to Eatonville, Florida, the nation’s first incorporated black town.

Though the population of Eatonville is only 2,432, upwards of 1,000 people reportedly gathered at a small church there to meet the new senator from Illinois.

Back when Obama visited Florida A&M University in 2008 during his presidential campaign, he gave FAMU alumnus and then-Tallahassee City Commissioner Andrew Gillum a special recognition.

“Give it up for Andrew!” Obama told the audience. “Twenty-seven and he’s already a commissioner! You can just imagine what he's going to be doing in the years to come. He’s a great friend.”

Obama announced his official endorsements of Gillum and Nelson back in October.

“Andrew is a proven fighter with the courage and determination to stand up for Florida families,” Obama said.

The former president also had great praise for Nelson.

“He is a person of honesty and integrity who treats public office as a public trust,” Obama said.

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