FAMU Law ranked in 10 Best Law Schools in America by The Knowledge Review.

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Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) College of Law is recognized as one of the 10 Best Law Schools in America by The Knowledge Review.

“FAMU College of Law is honored to be recognized by The Knowledge Review,” said Interim Dean LeRoy Pernell. “We are serving as a beacon of hope and catalyst for change by providing access to excellent educational opportunities to generations of students seeking to serve the needs of traditionally underserved people and communities.”

“The 10 Best Law Schools in America 2018” is an annual listing of colleges offering career-oriented education in law while also nurturing students with a commitment to justice. FAMU College of Law is being recognized for exceptional diversity, a campus that encourages learning, a challenging curriculum that turns students into professionals, a talented alumni base and a great downtown Orlando location.

One important goal of FAMU College of Law is to produce lawyers who are champions of civil rights and social justice. Students are being prepared to lead criminal justice reform, transform their communities and empower citizens to change the world.

FAMU College of Law is equipped with highly experienced faculty in the sectors of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Human Rights, Immigration Law, International Law and Tax Law among others.

The College of Law’s student body is diverse – more than 70 percent minority and more than 50 percent women – helping to enrich a campus community where intellectual freedom and self-discovery are encouraged.

The Knowledge Review theknowledgereview.com is an international education magazine for universities, students, teachers and parents offering news, blogs, articles and courses from the best universities. Working as a platform, The Knowledge Review gives a broad view of the vast education sector from the point of view of a student, educator and a university. Being one of the top international education and knowledge provider magazine, The Knowledge Review is a platform, especially made to serve as a bridge between students, educators and universities.

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