FAMU raises more than $7M during first half of FYE 2019

big rattler
1 minute read
Florida A&M University has raised more than $7M in private donations over the first half of the 2018-2019 fiscal year. The university’s goal for the fiscal year ending (FYE) in 2019 is $11M.

Vice President for Advancement Shawnta Friday-Stroud said that many people have come forward to support FAMU over the past six months.

"So far it's been trending up in the second half of the fiscal year, so we're looking forward to it continuing to trend up. I think that there is a lot of excitement and energy around what is going on here at the university Friday-Stroud said in an interview with WTXL-27. "A lot of the positive activities and academic programs we have going on that our donors are definitely engaged and supporting us."

FAMU received $5.8M in gifts in 2014-2015 and $6.5M in 2015-2016. The total from 2016-2017 was $8.6M.

Friday-Stroud has been leading the Division of University Advancement since January 5, 2018. She was named to permanent vice presidential later that year.

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