FAMU Law students receive Holland Bar Preparation Scholarship and Judge Edward Rogers Legends Scholarship

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FAMU Law students Ariel Cavazos and Ashley Wilson
Two Florida A&M University (FAMU) College of Law students were awarded the Holland Bar Preparation Scholarship and the late Judge Edward Rogers Legends Scholarship. The F. Malcolm Cunningham, Sr. Bar Association awards scholarships to well-deserving third-year African American law students, scheduled to take the bar exam in July 2019. The scholarships offset the bar examination preparation expenses for students who demonstrate a commitment to excellence.

The two recipients, Ashley Wilson and Ariel Cavazos, received their awards on Friday, February 15, at the 18th Annual William M. Holland Scholarship Luncheon in West Palm Beach, Florida. The event took place at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts. Ashley Wilson received the Holland Bar Prep Scholarship of $1500. Ariel Cavazos received the Judge Edward Rodgers Legends Scholarship of $2500.

“I am very excited to receive this scholarship,” said third-year FAMU Law student Ashley Wilson.

“This financial support is very helpful and it will make a huge difference as I prepare for the Florida Bar exam,” said Wilson.

“I am looking forward to taking the bar examination in July and it is a challenging process preparing for it,” said third-year FAMU Law student Ariel Cavazos.  “I’m very grateful to receive this much needed financial support.”

The luncheon also honored the life and legacy of Judge Edward Rodgers through a special presentation and scholarship award. The late Judge Rodgers was a graduate of the original FAMU College of Law in Tallahassee.

This annual signature luncheon is named after the first African-American attorney in Palm Beach County and civil rights pioneer, William H. Holland.

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