Moricette, Antenor elected to lead FAMU SGA in 2019-2020

big rattler
1 minute read
On Wednesday, Feb. 27th, the Florida A&M University Student Government Association (SGA) Electoral Commission announced that Rochard Moricette won the election for the 2019-2020 student body presidency.

According to The FAMUan, “Moricette and his running mate Natalie Antenor (1,163 votes) had more than 50 percent of the votes cast and were able to turn back current student body vice president Robyn Seniors and Rebekah Hawkins (587 votes).”

Morciette is currently the president of the SGA Student Senate. He was first elected to the Senate as a freshman in 2016-2017 and received the “Freshman Senator of the Year” Award. He then won the election to serve as Senate President Pro-Tempore in 2017-2018.

The now student body president-elect is studying agribusiness with a minor in economics. He is the recipient of the Samuel S. Brown Scholarship from the City of Lauderdale Lakes and the Nancy Norkiewicz Scholarship from the George Snow Scholarship Fund. He is a member of the Alpha Xi Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.

Antenor is currently the chair of the Judicial & Rules Committee in the Student Senate. She has served as senator since her freshman year. Antenor also received the “Freshman Senator of the Year” Award like Morciette did. She studies accounting.

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