FAMU prepares to send more than 600 new graduates into the world

da rattler
1 minute read
FAMU will grant some 600 degrees to students during two commencement ceremonies this Friday and Saturday in the Al Lawson Center.  

Carla Hayden, Ph.D., the nation’s 14th Librarian of Congress, deliver the commencement address for both ceremonies.  Hayden is the first woman and the first African American to serve as the Librarian of Congress, the largest library in the world.   Hayden, a Tallahassee native, was born on the FAMU campus in the former FAMU Hospital (now Foote-Hilyer Administration Center).

President Larry Robinson will officiate during the ceremonies.  Each ceremony will last about two hours.

The Friday, 6 p.m. ceremony will feature graduates from the Schools of Allied Health, Architecture, Business, Nursing, the Environment, Journalism, and the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering.  

The Saturday, 9 a.m. ceremony will feature graduates of the Colleges of Education, Agriculture, Law, Pharmacy, Science and Technology, and Social Sciences, Art and Humanities.  

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