FAMU's 1968 4x100 relay team to be honored at 2020 Penn Relays

da rattler
1 minute read
Members of FAMU's 1968 440 relay team.

FAMU’s 1968 440 yard-relay team, comprised of Nathaniel JamesMajor HazletonEugene Milton and James Ashcroft, coached by Bobby E. Lang, will be honored by the Penn Relays Carnival, Saturday, April 25, 2020 at Franklin Field in Philadelphia, PA.

The quartet will be permanently installed into relay history and installed in as members of the 2020 Wall of Fame class. 

That Florida A&M foursome remains the only group in Relays history at any level to win three straight years in the same event with the same lineup.
After winning in 1966, they broke Abilene Christian's 1959 record of 40.9 with a time of 40.6 in 1967, then broke that mark in 1968 with a 40.4, retiring the J.C. Patterson Cup for three consecutive victories.
Their 1968 mark was broken by UTEP in 1970. 
Florida A&M was the second Historically Black College or University and only the third team overall to win three straight 440-yard relays.

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