FAMU to offer certificates in facebook digital marketing, project management, and data analytics

da rattler
1 minute read

FAMU has partnered with Pathstream—an online digital skills provider—to offer four new certificate programs in Tableau Data Analytics, Asana Project Management, Salesforce Administrator Career, and Facebook Digital Marketing.
The hands-on certificate programs are designed to help align participants enhance their professional credibility, prepare for more job responsibility, or entrepreneurship.
“We are very pleased to offer these dynamic programs to our community,” said Phyllis Watson, director for FAMU’s Office of Continuing Education. “These offerings will provide impactful educational experiences that facilitate personal goal attainment in highly lucrative market-driven fields.”
The four programs are focused on improving learning in high-demand careers and areas with the potential for elevated job growth. The programs are also designed to adapt to various scheduling commitments—such as full-time employment—and accommodate participants seeking to change careers, enter the workforce or upgrade their knowledge and capabilities.
Upon successful completion of the program, students will earn a certificate co-branded by FAMU and Pathstream. Registration will begin in March and the programs will be offered throughout the year.  

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