Willie Simmons to remain Rattler Head Coach

da rattler
1 minute read

Late Monday evening, FAMU officials announced that Head Football Coach 
Willie Simmons will remain at the helm of the Rattlers’ program.  The news comes after this blog broke the news via our Twitter page on Saturday evening linking Simmons to an assistant coach position with the University of South Carolina Gamecocks.
Simmons is in the third year of his five-year contract FAMU and is 15-7 in his two seasons at FAMU. The Rattlers went 6-5 in Simmons’ first year at the helm in 2018, and was 9-2 in 2019.  FAMU’s 2020 season was canceled by the coronavirus pandemic. Simmons and the Rattlers are eyeing their highly-anticipated debut in the SWAC in 2021.
 "I am fully committed to the FAMU Football program. I came to the Highest of Seven Hills to produce the excellence that our alumni and fans expect on the field, in the classroom and in the community," said Simmons. "We have unfinished business here.  Rattler Nation, I am your head football coach.  Now let's refocus on the work at hand and prepare to STRIKE fear in the SWAC and beyond!"

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