Lady Rattlers VB sweep Bethune 3-0 to pick up second straight SWAC win

da rattler
1 minute read

The FAMU volleyball team picked up their second straight SWAC win of the season, last night, defeating Bethune-Cookman 3-0 in Daytona. The decision propelled FAMU to a 10-5 overall record, 2-1 in the SWAC.
Isis Williams and Dominique Washington posted a game-high 11 kills while Karina Pressoir added 10.  The Rattlers took each set by scores of 25-19, 25-12, and 25-17. Their early 3-0 lead in the first frame set the tone for the rest of the evening as the visiting Rattlers dominated the scoreboard most of the night. The advantage quickly snowballed into a 20-13 edge and sizable differences continued into the second set with a 16-8 lead. 
BCU recorded the first point of the third, but the advantage was quickly erased by a 6-0 FAMU run where four different Rattlers notched a point. Irem Ucar was credited with an assist on all four points en route to a game-high 40.  

With Friday's success, the Rattlers matched their win total (10) from the 2019 season, the most since a 17-12 record in 2016. The Lady Rattlers will return to action on Sunday (Oct. 10) in a SWAC doubleheader in the Al Lawson Center against Prairie View A&M and Texas Southern. 

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