FAMU holds vigil to remember Makayla Bryant

da rattler
1 minute read

Hundreds gathered at FAMU’s Charles Winter Wood Theatre for a vigil to pay tribute to their fallen Rattler Makayla Bryant, a 22 year-old grad student, who was shot and killed Wednesday evening at an apartment complex on Stuckey Avenue.

The event gave her friends and FAMULY one last chance to say their goodbyes.
The theatre was almost at capacity. Her close friends and sorority sisters described what she was like.
“To know MK even for a day, hour or minute was to have loved her for a lifetime. She was just a beacon of joy, of light and of happiness. A ray of sunshine and a breath of fresh air,” described 51st Student Senate member and friend Kayla Braggs.

“She was spontaneous. She was energetic. She was a leader and everything she did she did it with so much passion and integrity,” said Beta Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc member Zoe Mitchell.

“Every person that she came across whether it be in passing or whether it be in an intimate setting, they understood that she was somebody to respect, she was somebody to love and she was somebody you can always count on,” shared Mitchell.

President Larry Robinson, said “I consider all of these students you know part of the FAMULY and I see them as my own so this hurt me as well and I’m sure there’s a deeper since of loss for her family and friends.”

For a young woman so loved and inspiring to so many, saying she will be missed is an understatement.

According to her friends and family, a funeral for Bryant will be held in Chicago.

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