Happy 4th of July!

da rattler
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Happy Fourth of July to you and your families!Holidays are for families!

The Rattler Nation Team hope that all of you have a wonderful holiday among family, friends,  and neighbors. 

246 years ago, our nation's founders declared our independence and set out to create a new nation, grounded in the principals of freedom, justice, and equality.  And, as imperfect as it has been, we must all strive every day to meet those goals where all feel welcomed and loved. 

As incredible as it is to live in a nation built on those ideals, we can't forget that justice and freedom have never been a guarantee.  It took our nation 89 years to abolish slavery.  It took 143 years for women to get the right to vote. 

And to this day, women and people of color are still denied the freedom, justice, and equality we deserve. 

To be honest, it can be difficult to fully celebrate Independence Day when the ideal of freedom, justice and equality are so far removed from our every day lives. So on this day, we encourage you to continue to fight to make our country all that it can and should be. 

Here's wishing your holiday is a restful, peaceful, and fun one, filled with good food and sharing the love and joy of family and friends. Happy 4th of July!

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