FAMU MBA candidate selected for prestigious TMCF Hennessy Fellows program

da rattler
1 minute read

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Karmyn Tatum an MBA Candidate in the School of Business and Industry is one of nine scholars selected to participate in the fifth cohort of the Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) Hennessy Fellows program.  


The Hennessy Fellows program helps to prepare the next generation of African-American leaders through financial assistance, access to training and professional development opportunities and real-world application.


Each fellow receives a scholarship of up to $20,000 per academic year, a $10,000 annual stipend for other educational-related expenses, executive coaching, an opportunity to receive an additional grant of $10,000 for a community-related project, and all-expenses-paid trips to New York City and Charlotte, North Carolina for the boot camps.  


“The Hennessy Fellows program has emerged as the preeminent fellowship program for HBCU students to unlock the C-Suite’s secrets to success,” said Dr. Harry Williams, President and CEO of the TMCF.

"Hennessy is proud to champion the next generation of Black leaders through our Hennessy Fellows Program. We have created a platform to provide HBCU students with the skills, executive coaching and networking opportunities to achieve their goals and secure positions across the corporate sector,” said Jasmin Allen, Senior Vice President of Hennessy U.S. 

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