Robinson and Simmons "got jokes" on April Fool's Day

da rattler
1 minute read
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Both President Larry Robinson and Head Football Coach Willie Simmons took to Twitter to have fun with their wild jokes on April Fool’s Day.

Robinson, a scientist, tweeted what seemed to be a “woke tweet” stating that after many years  of striking fear into opponents as Rattlers and causing untold damage that the university would changes its mascot to "Muscadines", in reverence to the sweet grape native to Florida.  And adopt a new moto "We Got the Juice!"

Muscadine grapes purportedly are very rich in health benefits.  The grapes have been said to “not just (taste) good, but also good but for you.”  FAMU holds several patents for Muscadine grape varieties and holds an annual Grape Harvest each year.
Simmons, on the other hand, joked about signing a long-term contract extension with FAMU that would keep him as the head Rattler through 2032.
Since joining the Rattlers in 2018, Simmons has compiled a 33-12 record leading the team to three nine win seasons in a row, and its first FCS playoff bid in nearly 20 years in 2021.  

Later that evening, Robinson joked that FAMU would field its first Ice Hockey team this fall and play home football games in Atlanta, Jacksonville, and Las Vegas. 

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