FAMU president urges participants to maintain decorum ahead of graduation ceremonies

da rattler
2 minute read

In advance of FAMU graduation ceremonies this weekend, President Larry Robinson has issued a firm reminder to students, parents, faculty, and guests regarding the importance of maintaining proper decorum during the event.

The graduation ceremony at FAMU is not only a time of celebration but also a formal academic occasion.  Robinson emphasized the significance of this dual nature, highlighting the festive atmosphere coupled with the solemnity of academic achievement. The ceremony symbolizes the culmination of years of hard work and dedication for students, faculty, administrators, and their families.

Robinson stressed that in the midst of celebration, it's crucial to uphold the dignity and respect befitting such a momentous occasion. "Our collective goal is to ensure that the commencement ceremonies remain a joyous and memorable occasion for our graduates and their families," he said.

Cut up and be 'kindly escorted out'
Students have worked tirelessly to reach this milestone, and it's imperative that we honor their achievements with the decorum they deserve, the letter intimated. Disruptive behavior at FAMU graduation ceremonies, Robinson underscored, will not be tolerated and individuals found violating this policy will be kindly escorted out of the Lawson Center to ensure the integrity of the ceremony. "Let us celebrate this momentous occasion safely and responsibly, united in pride as part of the Florida A&M University family," Robinson wrote.

In recent years social media platforms have been inundated with viral videos depicting students 'turnt up' and getting 'crunk' on stage at graduations and greek organizations doing impromptu stroll offs and other inappropriate behavior that overshadowed the solemnity of the occasion. FAMU clearly wants no part of that. 

These incidents have sparked a broader conversation about the need for maintaining decorum and respect for the significance of academic milestones. 

President Robinson's message serves as a preemptive measure to uphold the dignity of FAMU's graduation ceremony and ensure that all attendees can fully participate in and appreciate this momentous event. As thousands of graduates prepare to embark on their next chapter, his call for decorum resonates as a reminder of the honor and prestige associated with earning a degree from FAMU.


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