Rattlers secure shutout victory in game 1 of SWAC showdown against Bethune-Cookman

da rattler
1 minute read

The FAMU Rattlers dominated the first game of their three-game home series against in-state rival Bethune-Cookman Wildcats. With a final score of 4-0, the Rattlers showcased their prowess on the diamond, maintaining their stronghold atop the Southwestern Athletic Conference (SWAC) Eastern division.

The game, played in front of a fervent home crowd at Moore-Kittles Field, witnessed stellar performances from senior pitcher Caleb Granger and junior Cody Williams, who combined forces to deliver an impeccable shutout. Granger's veteran leadership and Williams' youthful energy proved to be a formidable combination against the Wildcats' lineup.

As the series progresses, today and Sunday, both teams are expected to bring their A-game, promising fans an electrifying showcase of talent and sportsmanship.


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