FAMU pays tribute to Eddie and Jerrlyne Jackson with wall of honor unveiling

da rattler
1 minute read

FAMU, on Friday, paid a heartfelt tribute to the late Eddie Jackson and his wife, Jerrlyne Allen Jackson, with the unveiling of a Wall of Honor at the Al Lawson Center. 

The ceremony was a poignant moment for the university community, as it celebrated the enduring legacy of the Jacksons, whose impact on FAMU's student-athletes and the university as a whole will be remembered for generations.

Eddie Jackson, a beloved alumnus and president of the 220 Quarterback Club, was known for his unwavering support of FAMU's athletic programs. His dedication to the university's sports teams, including the football team and the renowned Marching 100, was unparalleled.  After his retirement from the university in 2002, Jackson's commitment to FAMU only grew stronger, inspiring those around him to champion the university's causes.

Eddie's wife, Jerrlyne, was an integral part of their shared legacy.  

The Wall of Honor, serves as a permanent fixture at the Al Lawson Center, to the Jacksons' sacrifices and support. It is a symbol of their deep connection to FAMU and their enduring spirit, which continues to live on in the hearts of those who knew them.

FAMU extends its deepest gratitude to the Jackson family for their years of service and support. The Wall of Honor is a fitting tribute to their lives, work, and the profound impact they had on the university.

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