Bryant and Holmes Have "Come to Jesus" Meeting

da rattler

Rattler Nation has learned that Interim President Bryant and Trustee Rev. R.B. Holmes met Friday in Mr. Holmes' church office to discuss the recent firings of the eight SBI Professional Development faculty. During the meeting, Mr. Holmes told Mrs. Bryant that he had a "religious and moral" responsibilty to speak out because this affected individuals livelihoods and being able to provide the basic necessities, like food, clothing and shelter for their families.

During the meeting, Mrs. Bryant, supposedly, told Mr. Holmes that she had no knowledge of the "mass firings" and blamed Provost Austin for the decision. The meeting ended with Mrs. Bryant telling Mr. Holmes that she would "make everything alright" if given the opportunity to do so.

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  1. Where were R.B. Holmes' "religious and moral" convictions when he was working with James Corbin and Challis Lowe to rig the 2004 interim presidential selection process in Castell Bryant's favor?

    Where were R.B. Holmes' "religous and moral" convictions when Bryant denied due process to Phyllis Gray-Ray, Percy Luney, and numerous other faculty members?

    It seems like Holmes' religious sensibilities are attached to his own wallet. He's said nothing about Bryant's mistreatment of the faculty and staff members who were not dropping checks in his church collection plate.

  2. Debra Austin's responsible for the mass firings? She wasn't even around when C. Bryant and J. Corbin developed the employee hit list.

  3. if this is the case, holmes has lost his mind.

  4. RH: How did you get such detailed information about the meeting between Holmes and Bryant? I doubt Holmes or Bryant told you what they talked about. So, is this story a figment of your imagination, and if so, why not say that?

  5. Anonymous @ 11:59 a.m.,

    Do you actually believe that anything that goes on in little tiny Tally is secret? And at Bethel Baptist?

    .....excerpt from Tall Demo on 6/10/06

    Meanwhile, Lowe on Friday canceled a Monday emergency meeting of trustees to air differences over the firings. She said she did so because it was hard to get enough trustees to participate, and the university president's office told her a trustee's proposed moratorium on firings was off the table. FAMU's board will have its regular meeting June 29.

    On Friday, Holmes said, "We'll talk about it more at the June 29 meeting." He said he is convinced the university president will honor employee contracts, and "I'm very optimistic there will be a positive resolution."

    Don't put anything pass an ambitious social-climbing, power hungry preacher to cut a deal and save his post on the insider group of the BOT!

  6. To 11:58

    Beleive it or not, we don't have much of an imagination. What I do have is a host of credible sources, who I will not put on front street for you or anyone else.

    -the Editor

  7. Anonymous @ 11:58 AM

    It seems as if you've taken a line out of the recent Capital Outlook editorial that criticized this blog. Whether you want to admit it or not, this blog has consistently provided accurate inside information about FAMU's internal politics. RN continues to shoot holes in the propaganda and half-truths coming out of Lee Hall.

    When it comes to any questions of credibility, RN receives the benefit-of-the-doubt in the minds of many FAMUans. Give accurate information and you become a believable source.

  8. anonymous at 11:58 a.m. are you this Rufus person. Get to work.

  9. Good Ole Rev. Porkchop strikes again. He has got to be one of the biggest hypocrites wearing the title of Rev since Jim Jones. Where were his moral sensibilities when Castell capriciously fired loyal FAMU employees last year? Oh yeah, that's right! None of those poor folks attend his church.
    I guess he doesn't think that reaping and sowing applies to him-then again most religious folk don't.
    You can tell a lot about a person by the company that they keep and if this secret meeting is true then, Holmes is in bed with the Devil indeed. Typical of a Sunday morning pimp.

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