Rev. R.B. Holmes' call for a "moratorium on 'major personnel layoffs' and 'the hiring of deans'" following the recent announcement that several of his church members are among those slated to be let go comes more than a day late and $250,000 short as the University has obligated itself to pay the Hollins Group to conduct mass dean searches. Rev. Holmes' sudden "awakening" and pronouncement that FAMU will have a new permanent president seated in the next 6 to 12 months is exactly the type of ass backwards and reactionary thinking by trustees that has lead us to this point. It is this same kind of thinking, or lack thereof, by our motley crew of trustees that led FAMU down the road to the Div. 1-A football debacle and the regrettable Fred Gainous chapter.
Did not Mr. Holmes and fellow trustees realize what they were getting us into when they committed the University to these searches? Has he and the other co-conspirators been asleep at the wheel, while "Sister Slash and Burn" has been raging a destructive path across the campus, dismantling over 16.5 years of progress?
Did not Mr. Holmes & Co. reward "Sister Slash and Burn" by providing her with a $35,000 bounus and $50,000 salary increase on the basis of an unaudited surplus. It is precisely this type of laxed oversight and thoughtless management that makes Mr. Holmes and others culpable for their hand picked interim president's current actions.
In the vernacular of the pulpit, heaven help us!
Preach brother, preach!
ReplyDeleteIt is time for all concerned supporters, friends, alumni and students to come together to get this mad woman outta here.
ReplyDeleteWhere are the authors of the Gainous petition? They need to crank another one out.
I'm ready to sign yesterday.
It amazes me how all this can be known about the gross incompetence of the Board of Trustees and Interim President; and how they are destroying this University; and the Alumni and Community is just sitting back and watching the University be destroyed. Where are the protests and the public outcries not only to have the Interim President removed, but also these incompetent Board members?
ReplyDeleteHolmes has been deliberately dragging the presidential search out for 1.5 years now. How can we trust him to honor his pledge to find a president within 6-12 months?
ReplyDeleteDamn, you said a mouth full.
ReplyDeleteNot another petition. It was a mistake to chase Gainous out of the presidency, it was a mistake to bring in Bryant as the interim president. But let's not compound those mistakes with another petition.
ReplyDeleteDon't you dare go insulting Congolese Mountain Gorillas like that!!!
ReplyDeletemadfamalum...your are cold straight cold.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it a Conflict of Interest to be both a member of the Board of Trustees and also a pastor whose ministry is financially dependent upon the donations made by FAMU employees?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @ 9:42 PM:
ReplyDeleteR.B. Holmes is not only the pastor of some of the laid off employees, he's the pastor for CASTELL BRYANT.
Bryant was previously a member of Bethel Baptist while she was in Tallahassee. She rejoined the church shortly after Holmes worked with James Corbin, Challis Lowe and others to rig the interim presidential selection process in her favor.
At the church, Bryant has been getting standing ovations and accolades from the pulpit for her performance as president.
So yes, as pastor, Holmes jumps up quickly to protect the parishioners who provide him his bread-and-butter. It's no secret that he's leaned hard on FAMU in the past to promote and/or retain university employees who worship in his congregation.
While Holmes is indeed getting a cut of all the salary increases and bonuses Bryant has been awarded, he's not going to sit by idlely while long term tithes/offerings sources are sent to the unemployment line.
The Yahoo! Rattler's Den group originated the petition for Fred Gainous' ouster. They are not interested in having any meaning discussions on FAMU's present state.
ReplyDeleteHell, the Rattler's Den isn't even concerned about following up on the very points it introduced in the petition. They cited Henry Lewis' firing as one of the reasons why Gainous needed to go. Yet, when Castell Bryant upheld the firing, no one in that forum had a damn thing to say.
The Rattler's Den group was a big-time bully pulpit for Roosevelt Wilson and others who claimed that Gainous was working with Jeb Bush and four white trustees to usher in a "white takeover" of FAMU.
As we all know, Wilson's "white takeover" theory was a myth. He claimed that four white trustees and two black trustees were planning to vote against Gainous' firing on September 28, 2004. This Wilson said, was a stalling tactic that would give the governor enough time to replace anti-Gainous trustees with pro-Gainous trustees.
Wilson's race-baiting assertions were all false. Al Cardenas and Laura Branker, who Wilson claimed were part of the 6 trustees in the pro-Gainous voting bloc, voted to fire Gainous. And Gov. Bush appointed W. George Allen, a man who publicly called for Gainous' resignation, to replace James Corbin.
Nonetheless, the "blame whitey" theories continue to have a strong following in the Rattler's Den. There are still many in the Rattler's Den who believe that anyone who criticizes Castell Bryant for any reason is working with Bush and Barney Bishop to give FAMU to white people.
That's one of the main reasons why you aren't hearing a peep of criticism from the people who advanced the fire-Gainous petition.
Why not say this on the Rattler's Den, so we can see who is speaking?
ReplyDeleteHolmes to Bryant:
ReplyDelete"Get your hands off my pockets, don't be messing with my pockets!"
To Anonymous @ 2:34 AM:
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you identify yourself here on Rattler Nation so we can see who you are?
Rattler Nation has become a prominent information source in the FAMU community because it gives accurate accounts. And additionally, instead of race-based criticism, this blog offers performance-based criticism.
Perhaps you're one of the Rattler's Den people who bought into the "white takeover" conspiracy theory during the fire-Gainous movement. While you and others were busy finding white scapegoats, James Corbin and his BOT friends were busy rigging the interim presidential selection process for yet unqualified JUCO administrator.
Or maybe you're one of the Rattler's Den individuals who turns a blind eye to corruption across racial lines. Many in the Rattler's Den blasted Barney Bishop for putting his hands in FAMU's housing contracting processes. Yet few, if any, people in the forum denounced Corbin's efforts to cut personal side deals with potential DIA athletic ventures.
It is wrong for any trustee, black or white, to use his/her position of power to personally profit from FAMU. The black trustees who do it are just as unscrupulous as the white trustees who do it.
Some in the Rattler's Den even described the professors who criticized Bryant's attacks on shared governance as "misogynists." Forget the fact that both male and female FAMU professors publicly disagreed with Bryant's decision to trample on shared governance. Logic seldom gets in the way of people who look to discredit others based on race and gender.
More people are coming to Rattler Nation because there is a dire need for balanced, rational, fact-based discussions on FAMU's internal affairs.
Now that we have an official defender of the Rattler's Den (Anony. @ 2:34 AM) in our presence, perhaps I can get the following question answered:
ReplyDeleteWhy are so many members of the Rattler's Den silent about Sister Slash and Burn's decision to gut FAMU's Division of Research? Does anyone in the forum care about the fact that FAMU's research contracts and grants are down by the millions ever since Bryant fired Phyllis Gray-Ray and ripped apart the division's budget?
Or, are you one of the people who thinks that Florida's only historically black public university need not worry about becoming a research leader? Do you, like Castell Bryant, think FAMU should operate like a community college and leave the serious research projects to the predominantly white public university's?
I knew Holmes was going to punk out. He just like seeing and reading about himself in the newspaper.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @11:23PM, you are doing here what you say was done on the Rattler’s Den--stirring up racial animus with you claim of "blame whitey" theories. Gainous was bad news for FAMU, just as Castell Bryant is bad news for FAMU. Your claim of racism in the removal of Gainous maybe true, but it is the same old news that you have advocated on this site previously--get a life. Racism is a fact of life and you will use it to your advantage, which is what you are doing now. If you meet me on the Rattlers Den we can discuss this issue and reveal our identity.
ReplyDelete>>>Anonymous @11:23PM, you are doing here what you say was done on the Rattler’s Den--stirring up racial animus with you claim of "blame whitey" theories.<<<
ReplyDeleteNo, I simply denouncing the illogic and flagrant racial scapegoating that occurred during the fire-Gainous effort. There were more than enough valid reasons to get rid of Gainous without resorting to untrue allegations of a white-takeover.
The final vote-count in that matter proved that Jeb Bush had not lined up four white trustees and two black trustees to stall the firing, as Wilson claimed. Nor was there any truth in Wilson's assertion that Bush planned to replace anti-Gainous trustees with pro-Gainous trustees. Yet, many FAMUans took those racial conspiracy theories as the gospel and few people have actually called out Corbin, Wilson, Joseph Wright and the others used the race card disingenously.
>>>Racism is a fact of life and you will use it to your advantage, which is what you are doing now.<<<
Racism is indeed a fact of life, just like cancer. But we, as a society, must continue to fight against both.
Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with the NAACP's mission statement, which reads:
"The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination."
In order to eliminate racial hatred and discrimination, we must fight both inside and outside the black community. Blacks who race-bait are no better than whites who do it.
I also see you failed to address the question on what Bryant is doing to FAMU's research programs.
Back in 1998, FAMUans fought tooth and nail against the Board of Regents' Three Tier Plan. That initiative would have prevented FAMU from ever becoming a research institution.
Dr. Frederick S. Humphries, especially, placed his career on the line to fight against that attack on FAMU's research progress. Humphries' brave actions to save FAMU's research future added fuel to BOR's efforts to get rid of him for good.
Bryant's anti-research agenda is even more dangerous than one pushed by the BOR. The BOR simply stated that FAMU would not develop any new Ph.D. or research programs. Bryant is systematically destroying the research programs that FAMU already has.
Yet, Bryant has not received any of the criticism that Adam Herbert did for Three Tier. Why? Because Herbert was employed by a majority white board and Bryant is employed by a majority black board. There are still many FAMUans who refuse to hold officials accountable across racial lines.
FAMU is Florida's third oldest public university, but racism prevented it from developing research programs like UF, FSU, UCF, FAU, and USF. Now, a group of miseducated Negroes are keeping us from reaching our full research potential. I, for one, will continue to denounce anyone who thinks FAMU should be a bottom-tier school.
>>>Gainous was bad news for FAMU, just as Castell Bryant is bad news for FAMU.<<<
Finally, something we can agree on. Since you're a fan of the Rattler's Den, perhaps you can start spreading that message to them. Just don't be surprised when certain people in that forum try to brand you as a "sell-out" or "misogynist" for daring to criticize Bryant.
Has the Rattler's Den even posted the story of the faculty layoffs and Holmes' request for a hiring/firing freeze. Looks like a state of denial to me.
ReplyDeleteSee no evil; hear no evil; speak no evil.
he must go...separation of CHURCH and STATE university system!
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ReplyDeleteThe Rattlers Den has routinely blocked our emails to inform alumni
ReplyDeleteThis is the email that is circulating around the web concerning the Rattler's Den's response to the NAA President's letters:
Dear Rattlers Den FAMily:
The calls and e-mails from concerned alumni have already started regarding this issue. At this juncture I can only advise you to read, analyze and think while we deal with another wave of negative publicity. Check back with the Den soon for more information. Thanks.
In the Rattler Spirit,
There's no call for holding the FAMU administration or BOT accountable for their actions. Nor is there any call for expediting the presidential search. That little email suggests that the ALUMNI are the problem because they are generating "bad publicity."
We've been silent on this issue for too long. It's not enough to simply "read, analyze, and think." Now is the time for ACTION!
Why does the Rattler's Den moderator have such a problem with Rattler Nation? I'm sure that many people registered in the forum are also reading RN. What reason did the Rattler's Den moderator give for blocking RN's messages (if any)?