The public was denied access to the call-in number and the agenda. But you know RN got the news, thanks to the campus news bureaus (sorry for not taking the repeated phone calls, but I was in a meeting).
No title
September 06, 2006
The public was denied access to the call-in number and the agenda. But you know RN got the news, thanks to the campus news bureaus (sorry for not taking the repeated phone calls, but I was in a meeting).
Here we go again. And folks wonder we keep bitching about this woman.
ReplyDeleteIt is the BOT's problem. The Trustees are her boss and it is their responsibility to govern Castell. It is quite obvious that she supervises their every move. She has the BOT where she wants them: Under her authority, and they are too dumb and incompetent to realize their lack of ability to govern this "out-of-control woman".
ReplyDeleteFor the life of me, I can't understand how they can refuse to give the public the call-in number and the agenda. Isn't that a flagrant violation of the Sunshine Law? Someone needs to launch a complaint with the Florida Attorney General's office!
ReplyDeleteThe proposed Audit and Compliance Committee Charter contains several interesting things:
ReplyDelete1. The incomprehensible sentence that every Bryant-era document seems to contain at least one of: "The Audit and Compliance Committee's role is not one of oversight, not preparation or operation."
2. The now standard, "These rules apply to you, not us" statements. For example: " ...the Audit and Compliance Committee believes its policies and procedures should remain flexible in order to best react to changing conditions ... ."
Excuse me? How can a group charged, in part, with assuring that the University is acting in compliance with its policies and procedures, say that it cannot be constrained by written, debated, and Board-approved policies and procedures?! But read on, there’s more:
3. (... the Audit and Compliance Committee will fulfill their duties and responsibilities as follows: (A.4.) Conduct or authorize investigations into any matters within the Committee’s scope of responsibilities. ... ) Since there are some two full pages of “Responsibilities and Duties” following, it would seem that the ground will be laid for witch hunts like no one has ever seen! Remember, this will be a committee with “flexible policies and procedures.” Can’t you hear it: “Due process? No, we changed the policy on that.”
"Opportunity to provide exculpatory evidence?" No, our procedures don't provide for that."
Another example: "The Audit and Compliance Committee shall make reports to the Board of Trustees as it deems necessary." So the Audit and Compliance Committee can decide reports aren't necessary and operate completely outside the oversight of the Board! Why aren't reports of every review required? If passed as written, it seems that the Committee will be allowed to decide what to look at, what to turn a blind eye to, what measures to use to judge compliance or non-compliance, what policies to use to determine an individual’s guilt, and what procedures to use to assure the decision is theirs alone to make!
There's not a totalitarian regime in the world that these people wouldn’t be right at home in.
How in the hell can we continue to let "CastHELL" continue her dictitorial reign of terror?
ReplyDeleteIt's obvious the BOT is afraid to challenge her on anything.
Is it because most of them are simply puppets whose strings are being pulled by JB?
This is an outrage!!
Lets face it. We have a Board that doesn't have a clue. The Board while it says it has the best interest of the school at heart is slowly destroying FAMU. To all those that are looking at us how can we expect to get a quality president when we have board such as ours. I am curious to know who would apply to be president with the current board we have in place?
ReplyDeleteWhat's up with the law school?
ReplyDeleteThis is to unbelievable to even begin to believe...with respect to the audit committee....please provide more support...please please please.
ReplyDeleteDamn, CVB is a bad dude. She's trying to run shit after she's gone. Now, what CEO runs the damn company after they've split? This some BS. How you gone tell folk what and how to do some shit when you ain even there and the company has taken on a new presidency? The BOT is full of shit itself. You gone run a mf when you ain even there. This is just too damn much. I can't take this shit. We all ought to rise up and storm the castle.