The recent revelations about our resident, nationally respected, SACS expert being ditched in favor of a novice, and yesterday's news of Mrs. Bryant's request before an emergency meeting of the BOT Executive Committee, makes one wonder wether there is some diabolical plan a foot to distroy our once proud HBCU from within. Not only that, but exactly who is the Architect of such a plan?
Board of Governors considering a 7% tuition hike. The FAMUAN is reporting that, "Florida Higher Education leaders will be voting on September 21 on whether to ask legislators for a 7 percent increase on tuition for in-state undergraduates effective in the 2007-2008 academic year."
The FAMUAN also noted that Campus Morale Seems Low. Apparently, the students just don't get it.
FAMU is sinking, slowly but surely, into the abyss. CVB & Co (DA, VH, al at.), especially VH, have not a clue what they are doing to our beloved institution. The lastest fiasco with Dr. Mercer not being the head SACS person is simply incomprehensible. CVB would rather play with SACS and appoint her long-time buddy, Dr. Hobbs, rather than swallow her ego and let Dr. Mercer do the fine job that he's being doing all these years, is akin to anarchy! Certainly, I can understand that the changing of the guard is sometimes a necessary action, but when you shange guards in the middle of the formation, well, we might have a little problem. When CVB is gone, everything will be jacked up. True, there may not be the financial shanannigans of yesteryear still present, but there will be new atrocities that must be dealth with. It might be said that CVB has cured the disease that ailed the patient, but she most certainly has sent that same patient to his/her grave. Most importantly, however, is that people don't know that she's Jeb Bush's puppet. Jeb pulls those strings and CVB acts. That's why she's here, that's why she's still here, that's why there are no repercussions with regard to her atrocious and outrageous actions. CVB and Bush. Boy! What a team that is. And CVB purports to love FAMU. Yeah, right.
ReplyDeleteJeb Bush is not responsible for the FAMU problems & CVB. It is that ignorant BOT. However, if he wanted to do something about it, it is certainly within his powers to do so. FAMUan's have never supported JEB and he is not intervening in their self-inflicted gun-battle. We need to stop blaming our problems on JEB. I am not a JEB supporter but know that these (CVB) actions are the workings of Corbin, Holmes, and Challis Lowe. JEB did his part when he did not re-appoint Holmes to the BOT. The rest was left up to us as FAMUans to demand that CVB be removed immediately because of her "Manic depressive" illness. She is a "liar, cheat, and deceitful". She has manufactured lie after lie to cover up her mental illness. The BOT has now discovered that she is mentally ill and they cannot figure out what to do with her. She has caused many families in this town hardships. The BOT will be held accountable for this tragedy at FAMU. The finances are in much worse a shape than they have ever been in the history of the University. Please ask me how I know? I work in the office that oversees all the Universities finances and audits. FAMU is the laughing stock of the State. I am constantly insulted and embarrased over the situation. KPMG is her cover-up to pretend that she is cleaning up the finances. They are just raking in the money from this incompetent administration and laughing themselves all the way to the bank.
ReplyDeleteRev Holmes wasn't reappointed to the BOT?
ReplyDeleteCorbin was not re-appointed to the BOT. Excuse my error. Corbin and Holmes made out of the same cloth.
ReplyDeleteTo the Second Blogger:
ReplyDeleteSome of you people don't really understand how politics and academics work. Castell is a Bush supporter; so is Debra Austin. Whatever either of these two women do, however atrocious, while it may not appear on the periphery that Jeb is sanctioning this conduct by CVB &DA, certainly you must know that he has the power to intervene. Why doesn't he? Simply because he's wants to give the appearance that he isn't interfering in the day-to-day operations of the Board. Holmes & Lowe are also Bush supporters, as was the former chair of the Board, James Corbin. Gainous was a Bush supporter. Gainous was unable to push forward Bush's agenda, so what does Bush do? He makes sure, with certain appointees, that he is able to do just that. He doesn't haul CVB in by the reins, because she's doing what Bush put her there to do. Dismantle, dismantle, dismantle. All under the guise of building a stronger FAMU. Surely people see this. While there may be a couple of Board members who are not in Bush's back pocket, the majority are of his persuasion and under his influence. A couple folk on the board were appointed by forfeit: Agnew and Diallo. The rest? Bush appointees. Go figure.
Does anyone know where the petition writers are?
ReplyDeleteDid anyone else have trouble accessing the BOT meeting through www.famu.edu? I tried to tune in today around noon, but the campus radio station was just playing national news and there was no video link available.
ReplyDeleteChallis Lowe had proposed taking the meetings off of live video but the BOT never voted to approve such a measure.
What happened?
Does anyone know where the petition writers are?
ReplyDeleteSomewhere in Dade County laying low. ;)
This week's edition of the Capital Outlook is ON POINT! Prof Wilson praises leakers, denounces continuing attempts to slow down the presidential search process, and gives Michael Brown a chance to respond to the UNF investigator's report.
ReplyDeleteMake it plain, brother. Make it plain!
The petition writers have said they were never going to initiate anything as divisive as the last petition again, so if you want to start a petition to get rid of CVB, have at it.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...The petition writers have said they were never going to initiate anything as divisive as the last petition again, so if you want to start a petition to get rid of CVB, have at it. 9/07/2006 8:28 PM
ReplyDeleteSeeing that Castell and Challis are both personal friends of the south Florida petitioner in Miami, I am sure that particular petitioner doesn't want to do anything to divide their personal relationship.
The petition was pre-meditated and Castell, Corbin and the south Florida petititioner did not give a damn if and how divisive it was as long as it served their purpose.
And you can take that to the bank!
this has nothing to do with friendship and everything to do with business. without FAMU these folks wouldnt have a personal relationship at all! Im sure that S. Florida petitioner understands this.
ReplyDeleteI disagree. Friendship has EVERYTHING to do woth this. These folks were friends LONG before FAMU ever came into their lives. Facts? I know this personally.