Campus Electric Upgrades, Technology, Infrastructure $ 5,000,000
Developmental Research School $ 2,500,000
Gore Education Complex, Remodeling $ 8,301,606
Multi-Purpose Teaching Gymnasium $ 8,500,000
Pharmacy Building Phase II $ 7,500,000
Tucker Hall Remodeling $ 14,474,914
University Commons Renovation $ 1,212,500
Challenge Grants $ 721,576
Student Financial Assistance $ 1,769,020
Board of Governors Oversight $ 1,000,000
Al's jovial nature and infectious personality has earned him the nickname "the Dempsey Barron" of the Florida Legislature, he gets what he wants. Lawson demonstrated that earlier this year when he derailed FAMU BOT Chair's Challis Lowe's nomination.
The state budget now goes to the Governor for his signature.
Lawson gets $31 million for FAMU (2006)
Legislators let FAMU keep control of E-College.
The Alfred "Al" Lawson Physical Education Complex sounds like a good name for the Multi-Purpose Teaching Gymnasium.
ReplyDeleteBig Al is a true hero who deserves to be forever memorialized on the campus.
However, we cannot under any circumstances, permit the Commons to be named after Castell or the new DRS to be named after Corbin. Castell is a traitor who bowed to FSU's pressure to hand away the E-School. Corbin is a ruthless opportunist who rigged two consecutive presidential search processes and nearly destroyed the athletic department (with JRE Lee III).
Neither of them deserve to hailed as role models to future generations of Rattlers.
Let's fight to make sure that the Board of Trustees and Legislature reserve building naming honors for legendary, selfless FAMUans like Gibbs, Tucker, Perry, Humphries, Mobley, and Lawson.
Thank Gawd for Lawson! If Castell weren't there, he probably could have walked away with more!
ReplyDeleteI think that it is truly high time for FAMU supporters to come and praise Senator Lawson for being steadfast in his support for FAMU. Lawson and some of the other politicians have been the only bright spot in the "upper level" administration at the University. So Mr. Lawson if you are reading this board, I thank you for all of the Rattlers, past, present and future for your diligence in gaining support for your alma mater. Unlike some of our other alum that clam to have its best interest at heart (Corbin, Bryant and Allen), your programs and vision for the University has not tarnished its reputation or stiffened its growth in any manner and for that I say thank you "Big Al."
ReplyDeleteOn another note, will this mean the the multi-purpose teaching gym be under way any time soon since we have gain more funding for that building?
ReplyDeleteKudos and job well done! Could Al be our University lobbyist after leaving office?
ReplyDeleteOne time for Tucker Hall Renovation!!!
ReplyDeleteLooked like a 4 story custodial closet.
Is there any particular reason Lawson wasn't named to Ammons' transition team? Is there some state rule thatprevents him from being on an incoming president's advisory tam? I'm thiking that Lawson my be tapped for another position once he leaves the senate because of the term-limit rule.Perhaps
ReplyDeleteAmmons has a loftier place for Lawson.
Perhaps Gov. Crist has something in store for AL, who is also the next Senate Democratic Leader.
ReplyDeleteSen. Al Lawson....a true Rattler.
ReplyDeleteThank the good Lord for him!!!
14 million that not a remodel that's a whole new building ..what kind of remodeling are they doing lol.. Hell WHAT ABOUT JONES HALL .. that needs one hell of a remodel
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI haven't been on this site for a minute. To read such a great story from a true RATTLER has really excited and elated me. As an matriculating student at such a great institution this news has really made my day.
ReplyDeleteI surely do agree that Senator Al Lawson should be honored with a building in his name. It would be ridiculous to even walk across these seven hills and see some type of learning facility with Castell or James Corbin name inscribed on the brick and mantle of our kingdom. Just the thought turns my stomach. This incompetent outgoing administration shouldn't even think of being honor in any kind of way; they must be out of their minds. What next crazy trustee Branker proposing the Thelma Thompson & T.k. Wethrell School of Journalism.....rolmao! I know its radical, but this outgoing administration has made some very radical decisions.
Senator Al Lawson is a great man, one that really fought tooth and nail for our beloved university. Senator Al Lawson is a man of integrity. If he was not a senator before the times of Castell & Corbin era, i truly believe Senator Lawson would have been the president of our school. Its not many people that’s for our school who can say it and do it, but Senator Lawson states what he's going to achieve for his alma mater, and he does it with no second thoughts.
I really do admire this man. He's really becoming my role model because it shows that through bad times great things still can be done. Senator Lawson has literally brought in over $100 million dollars of approved funding for FAMU to date. Just take a look at where the money is going towards in this budget. The remodeling and advancements of our institution just makes me more joyful to be a RATTLER.
Fabian, we know you didn't write the comment; it's an improvement over what you've been doing, but we know you had help. You can't fool us, Fabian. It's a start, but there's much improvement to be had. But you keep at it, brother, and soon and very soon...
ReplyDeleteYall leave Fabian alone! He's trying to step up his game a bit. He may soon be running RN. He's gonna need all our support!
ReplyDeleteThe new teaching gym should be named for Lawson..he did play basketball for Famu in the 70's.
ReplyDeleteRN--you know you need to quit scaring us like this, talking 'bout Fabian running the show. You've got me shaking in my stilettos, RN. We're all elated that Fabian has sought a friend to pen his comments for him, with him, apparently dictating the script. We even know what lines are his and what lines aren't his. That's cool. But I fear that if that friend is unavailable when Fabian gets the muse, well, let's just all say that we know what happens when Fabian Gets the Muse...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTo the above comment I admire your sharp constructive criticism of me. I will take your critique of me, and make it into something positive.
ReplyDeleteIn addition, i want to put emphasis on the comments that the above statement was not written by me.
Indeed it was, I did take into consideration about typing my comments at a much slower pace, and using correct punctuation and vocabulary in my statements.
To ponder whether or not the above comments were typed by me, is a ridiculous, and non-sense argument. I did take some of the posters recommendations on here. So I decided to use Microsoft Word to correct some of my imperfections in my statements.
I do want to thank you for taking the time and effort out your day to try and plot a mistake. I seriously do take what people say into thought. I hope all in the near future is good and plenty towards the advancement of your life aspirations
Thank you, and stay true to the RATTLER FAMily.
Fabian J. Bryant
Watch Castell try to spend this, by saying SHE got more money for the University from the Legislature than any President in FAMU history!!!!
ReplyDeleteWatch her.
When the fact is Lawson had to beg her to find out what the university needed, and she refused to come down to the Legislature after getting jumped by the JLMC.
Fabian, Fabian, Fabian...come on, now. You know you can't fool us. We know you've had assistance in these posts. And we know that Spell Check is not the assistance you've had. Spell Check doesn't give the writer the correct word; it simply gives the writer the correct spelling of an assumed word. We are talking spelling, Fabian; we're talking sentence construction and basic mechanics and grammar, that sort of thing. But that's ok, Fabian. We love you anyway. The very first sentence gives you away. There should be a comma between "sharp" and "constructive," for starters. I also want you to know, however, that this commentary isn't a critique of "you," as you have stated, but a critical assessment of the writing. There is a solid difference between the two entities. I don't have time to critique the rest of the statement; it's way too much there. But that's ok, Fabian, bless your heart. You're good people, but we all know what's up (and you know that we know what's up). But you keep on keeping on, and keep up the commentaries, with the assistance of your "assistant," er, Spell Check feature on your computer. I ain' mad at you, brother. You go 'head.
ReplyDeleteFabian, the tone of the writing as well as the words you've used don't "match" the tone and word constructions in your previous posts (from a while back). But you're doing the correct thing by seeking assistance, and that, dear heart, is all that matters, is it not?
ReplyDeleteI do not think Senator Lawson did this by himself. Other legislators also worked to make this a reality in addition to the university staff. It is never a one-person show.
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting that everything negative that happens on Castell's watch whether she was the perpetrator or not she gets blamed for. When good things happen on her watch, someone else gets the accolades and credits.
Whether we like it or not, Castell Bryant is the president and she should also be commended for having a successful legislative session on her watch and accolades to her staff, the alumni who supported the FAMU day, the legislators who saw the need and the students.
10:46, the only thing Castell should be "commended" for is locasting the ghost employee, who was raking in the $$. She hit the floor running on that hit. Other than that, I'm scratching my head trying to remember anything else the woman has done for the good of the university. Hmmm-m-m-m-m....yawnn-n-n-n-n....Nope that's about it. Gotta quite. My hair's falling out from the scratching, and my cranium's starting to show.
ReplyDeleteCastell Bryant is the president and she should also be commended for having a successful legislative session
ReplyDeleteCastell's idea of successful lobbying was asking the legislature to take $10M from FAMU's budget and give it to FSU so they could have complete control of the E-School.
FAMU's interim president is a woefully inept, spineless, pretender who does not have the university's best interests at heart.
Thank God for true FAMUans like Al Lawson who stood up to FSU and retrieved the E-School budget money while Castell kissing T.K's sandals.
Fred Humphries and James Ammons are both presidents who know how to work state legislatures. Castell, on the other hand, is intimidated by FSU and the powerful officials at the state capitol -- as demonstrated by her passivity on the E-School issue. As a result, Lawson had to stand up and do the job FAMU's president should have been doing as the university's chief lobbyist this year.
Anon 10:46 am,
ReplyDeleteYou obviously aren't in touch with reality! Castell refused to submit a legislative budget request and said this is Ammons problem! Outside of FAMU Day and appearances before the JLMC she (Castell) was a "NO SHOW" at the legislature.
Also, since the Florida House is overwhelming Republican, the local House members had no say in the budget process. Sen. Lawson who has a overwhelming pressence in the FL Senate and weilds much clout with the Senate President did in fact use this clout to the benefit of FAMU.
These accomplishments for FAMU are INDEED Sen. Lawson's efforts, like it or not.
ReplyDeleteDedicated to Castell & Co.
To the left
To the left
Everything you own in the box to the left
It’s in the audit
That’s our stuff
If FAMU bought it
Please don’t touch
Keep talking that trash that’s fine
But could you board your broom at the same time
And it’s FAM’s name that’s on that Tag
So get to steppin you triflin’ Hag
Standing up in Lee Hall
Tellin us how we just a fool
Talking bout –
we’ll never ever ever find a Prez like you
You got us twisted
You must not know bout FAM
You must not know bout FAM
We can have another Prez in a minute
Matter a fact he’ll be here in minute
You must not know bout FAM
You must not know bout FAM
We will have another Prez by tomorrow
So don’t you ever for a second get to thinkin
You’re irreplaceable
So go ahead and get gone
Call up Challis and see if she home
Oops I bet you thought that we didn’t know
What you think we are firin’ your ass for
Cause yall was untrue
Lyin and stealin and doin what you want to
So Casty drop off them keys
And hurry up before yo broomstick leave
Standing up in Lee Hall
Tellin us how we just a fool
Talking bout –
We’ll never ever ever find a Prez like you
You got us twisted
You must not know bout FAM
You must not know bout FAM
We can have another Prez in a minute
Matter a fact he’ll be here in minute
You must not know bout FAM
You must not know bout FAM
We will have another Prez by tomorrow
So don’t you ever for a second get to thinkin
You’re irreplaceable
So you robbed FAMU of everything
But how about she’s still something
Though she’s nothing at all to you
But we won’t shed a tear for you
We won't lose a wink of sleep
Cause the truth of the matter is
Replacin you with James was so easy
To the left
to the left
To the left
to the left
Castell should not have a sidewalk named after her. FSU ought to name their civic center afer her.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with the above post. I think that Castell should indeed have a sidewalk named after her, for no other reason than the fact that people can walk on the sidewalk and muddy her up in the same way that she walked all over people and muddied up their lives. I think a sidewalk in Castell's name is both fitting and proper. Metaphorically speaking.
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree with the above post. Place a sidewalk so people can stomp on that devil everyday!!! It's so sad how some of us will attempt to destroy the HBCUs for money!!! I truly commend Sen. Lawson for his mighty works for FAMU!! Yes, his name deserves to be on any building!! He is a true Rattler, he stands up for FAMU at whatever the Battle be!!! The Orange and the Green, thy sons shall ever defend and loyal to thy voice of love attend. FAMU, FAMU I love thee!!
ReplyDeleteCASTELL, you sing the alma mater well, but sit down and read it carefully and you will get the clear understanding of what a true Rattler is!!!
11:46, Castell can't read. She's an idiot.