Chester played almost three quarters last Saturday before giving way to his backup Leon Camel in an 18-17 victory over Tennessee State University.
Chester, who did not attend the team's practice today, announced his decision in an interview with theTallahassee Democrat about 30 minutes after the team practiced.
Coach Rubin Carter said he was “shocked” at the news that his starting quarterback has decided to leave the team. A handful of players who were mingling around following practice also expressed surprise at the move.
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C-ya! Wouldn't wanna be ya!
ReplyDeleteDon't let the cold, cold world get you down. Quiter!
what are we, the black version of Notre Dame here?
ReplyDeleteLook AC2, you play hard, but the best player gets the position. A true leader would keep himself ready in case the other guy gets hurt, as well as coach up the young recruits.
Only a pussy just up and leaves like that.
LOL. Y'all internet thugs are a trip. Do what you do, Al. It seems like a drastic decision to me even though you are hurt. But anyway, stay prayerful and keep that desire to be the best.
ReplyDeleteThis kid has thrown temper tantram after temper tantram. After being pulled pulled from last weeks game he punched a hole in the play diagram board on the FAMU sideline for all to see his disgust.
ReplyDeleteGood ridance.
Word is that AC2 is to beat up to continue playing football. Even if he is right, why he could not communicate that with the coaches is beyond me. But at least he will be getting his PharmD and all that good stuff.
ReplyDeleteI guess it was a combination of the rigors of the pharmacy program, his girlfriend who is a professor in the School of Allied Health, and lack of natural football instincts and ability. It is extremly tacky that he would go to the media first rather than tell his coach and teammates. Had he remained he could have served as a role model for his teammates of what a scholar-athlete should be. It is a loss for him and the football program.
ReplyDeleteAlthough Albert has had some roughs games, he is a class act! He was the head quarterbac, an "A" pharmacy student, maintained a personal life with his girlfriend and even joined a fraternity. This is commendable...these days athletes are not well-rounded, but Albert Chester is!!
ReplyDeleteClearly, he wasn't the best quarterback, but he is a model for athletes to follow....excel on the field, the classroom, and at home!
12:37, I respectfully disagree! AC has shown that he lacks character. The least he could have done was inform the coach.....even if he didn't want to have a sit-down with the team. I think he is a poor example of a student-athlete. It's about HOW you do things and his way was classless. I do wish him the best though.
ReplyDeleteDont blame Albert Chester II for not talking to the HEAD COACH - COACH RENATO DIAZ... he is taking the fall for Coach Carter who is the real issue he need to tell the truth as to why he is leaving and it is hard to play for a NON COACHING staff with the exception of two coaches. And Coach Carter DONT let his Off. and Def. Coordinators Coach but it shows that they are the ones that cant coach... Albert is not upset because of the game choices of being switched during the game thats the FSU issue with the QBs.... COACH CARTER IS A VERY HARD PERSON TO GET ALONG WITH!!!! and fake the public... And Me as a player on the team I know this..... Tell the Truth Chester....
ReplyDeleteyou are right Diaz is the Head Coach and Coach Carter is Coach Diaz's flunkie... the football is all messed up because coach CARTER dont know what the hell he is doing.... and so stop blaming Chester he just got fed up.... the players are not happy....... Carter doesnt and his coaches need to gggggggggooooooooo
so you are claiming that AC2 is LYING about being hurt, but that the coaching staff is too f'ed up that he got fed up?
ReplyDeleteThe coaching staff is not only fed up with AC2, but his hot head dad !
ReplyDeletePost 2:51 PM,
ReplyDeletePlayers like you do not belong on anyone's team. You have no business on this blog criticizing your head football coach. If you were any good, you wouldn't have time to post poorly written garbage on this gossip blog. We support Coach Carter and hope he rids the team of thugs and crybabies.
If he's hurt, then he's hurt.He will have a life to live after FAMU Football. I wish Chester the best of luck!
ReplyDeleteChester was a class act and he was talented across the board...not just on the field. Good job Chester!
ReplyDeleteCoach Carter is not bonding with the team. When no member of the team comes to his defense on this blog, there is a problem. I've observed coach Carter on the line and he seems detached from the team and staff. Players and coaches walk away from him as he is talking to them. There is a problem!
ReplyDeleteCoaches coach...
ReplyDeletePlayers play...
However if the Coach doesn't give a crap about half of the team, who defends the team's rights.
When FSU shits on a kid, it is expected as with any football factory however FAMU and HBCU's serve a much noble purpose and should be held more accountable for facilitating the growth of a generation of black men.
You say dont talk about the head coach???? please
ReplyDeleteWhen I see people defending Coach Carter on Rattler Nation and Tallahassee.com Blog they really dont know who this man really is we need one big blog.... this man who said that he doesnt care of the Rattler - Gaither legacy and dont want to hear any old sayings or chants and gets mad when he hears about it he said that he is trying to build his own legacy around his freshman recruits to erase or over shadow Gaither legacy.
This Coach Carter who you all speak so highly of CANT STAND Billy Joe and what he contributed to the Rattler Football program. Coach Carter said that he dont want Billy Joe boys to play thats the real reason why all the freshman and he hates certain players that are from the Billy Joe era so he consistantly tries to get them kicked off the team or suspend them Ha Coach Carter came from the other people schools and trying to act like he knows about HBCU FAMU RATTLER!!!! only a rattler thats been here played here made there mark here can say they are true rattlers....
So what you people are saying we must keep quiet and take the insults lack of coaching and fake mess WHO CARES ABOUT THE PLAYERS!This Coach Carter who dishes out mess break the rules and hides his hands..... Jena 6 We got Coaches lenching the players with the lashing of their tongues but dont get punished for it, but you have a player that quit because he's fed up with it.... and get insulted because MAYBE CHESTER QUIT AT THE WRONG TIME - AFTER A GAME HE GOT TAKEN OUT OF... think when the camera goes off what do the outsiders hear or see - nothing!
No insults about how i played or how i should do better no corrected critism i can take that- but insults about how dumb i am and dont get help for the struggling players but what to make sure they stay eligible anyway because its not students first its athlete first or insults about my daddy is or how my mom is and how my personal life is or was and insult after insult and lack of caring and fake caring and fake fake fake man that was a DL coach made head coach said that he doesnt care about no FAMU it's all a joke... It's all about Carter Carter Carter... and the little hidden head coach name coach diaz that tells you that coach carter dont know what he is doing and he is the one coach carter looks to to coach the team... and you back up coach carter.... lol
this is a joke... strength and conditioning and more players are hurt now than ever including more than four freshman... big joke
it took Albert Chester to walk away from it and take the criticism that you people are giving him - yes he has his ways as you all have your ways - dont insult the young man look at the big picture
i guess it should have been another one of us players besides to walk off to say whats going on
I am another current player speaking out and you dont know the half of how he treats people (coaches, former staff, parents... etc) you dont know the half of how he preaches family family family and that dont mean sh@t!!!!! it is a big front coach carter needs to go .......... and the AD and his made up incompetent staff need to go... talk to the AD about Coach Carter HA! He dont care.... and why are they still here?
While I don't profess to know anything about the reasons that Chester left the team, I do know that he is a talented and smart young man. I taught Chester when he first arrived at the university. While I don't remember if he was a member of the football team during his first semester, I do know that he was a stellar student, very mature and quite a striking young man. I also remember that he never missed class, was never, ever late--arriving on most mornings about 15 minutes before the start of class--and always submitted assignments when due, receiving A's & B's on the majority of anything he submitted. As a freshman he was a quiet student and sort of kept to himself. When he participated in class discussions he was articulate. He never offered excuses (as many freshmen do about anything under the sun), and he was, as much as I remember, a rather humble young man. We had a few conversations about his decision to come to FAMU, but beyond that, we didn't converse about football or any such thing as that. His decision to leave football was probably the result of a combination of things that the public doesn't know. If he's concerned about injuries to his body, then so be it. If he's had problems with the coaching staff, then so be it, too. If he had a multitude of reasons for not wanting to continue playing the game, it was his perrogative to leave. Chester was an athlete and a scholar, no doubt. My only concern regarding this entire Chester-fest is that I do believe that he had an obligation to inform the coaches of his decision prior to going to the media. I do think, also, that he should have respected the team members enough to let them know as well. I'm certainly not taking away anything from the young man(and his decision to do what he did, because they is surely life after football), but I think perhaps he would have shown a great deal of class and respect for the organization had he informed key people of his decision before he went "live" and in living color. It's not what you do, it's how you do it. And at age twenty-one/two?, I think he's old enough to understand such a thing.
ReplyDelete(typo) correction on my above post: "...there is surely life after football."
ReplyDeleteI honestly think its more to the story than led to believe. If some shadiness is going on Coach Carter, the AD and anyone else needs to be exposed. Without players there is no team. I never like Rubin in the first place.
ReplyDeleteThe anonymous poster 10/4 9:57 is not a player but actually a former employee of FAMU Football (AKA Infoplease on Democrat Chat.) Dont believe the slander.
ReplyDeleteadditional correction: "...perogative..."
ReplyDeleteThat infoplease poster is a sore loser and spreads baseless rumors. Coach Carter is getting the job done his way which is the right way. No longer will the Rattler Football Team be a safe haven for thugs and selfish players.
ReplyDeleteGood luck Rattlers. Keep up the good work Coach Carter.
Believe that shit if you want to.
ReplyDeleteCarter is not equipped to be a Head Coach.
Isn't his contract up this year?
See there is no way that players or anybody can speak out with people like the person 10/4 at 1:23 pm and at 2:05 pm........
ReplyDeleteI am a CURRENT player telling the truth about what is going on and you insult my comments... I dont even know about the person you speak of... that insults me because i took time to tell what is ACTUALLY going on and not my opinion....
as a player this is how i feel its like when you tell your parents something is wrong and they dont believe you until something very bad happens and then you say oops i should have listened.....
People People People
ReplyDeleteyou need to really take in consideration what infoplease is saying on tallahassee.com currently and in a previous statement posted on the tallahassee.com blog under souther looses 9 players...
also look at the comments on rattler nation past issues under richard shelton the former DB coach....
people are trying to shed light on what is going on down in the hellhouse called the fieldhouse and you insult them.... those people who are discrediting the comments of the true facts and the people who are posting them have the real problem.... do your own investigation .............
Coach Carter AIN'T doing NO good job he is what we call flodging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Things happen for a reason when chester left it makes people start talking and then you shut them up when they are trying to bring out the facts....
you need to call Heath with the Democrat and the persons in charge of this blog to start CONFIDENTILY investigating to get to the bottom of the all this...............
ask the players how coach diaz and coach carter treat the WALK ONS who actually make up the football team
ReplyDeleteand how the other fake snitch non coaching other coaches....
the Grad Assistant Coach knows more than most of the coaches that are getting paid to hold the positions
if yall dont get that AD and the two head football coaches out of here its going to get worse and worse and worse and worse until someone gets hurt or everyone boycott the football program.....
they are the ones that are actually playing the game not the coaches.....
10/04/2007 3:06 PM
ReplyDeleteIf a player wasn't scared or uncomfortable to speak out then he would NOT be doing it behind an anonymous name on a public blog. That is cowardly at best and speaks volumes about the character of that person and not of the individual they are trying to bring down.
In other words, grow the hell up and if you have problems with the coach, MAN THE HELL UP and go to him or the AD about it.
It's strange that no other players are speaking out other than that worthless infoplease and the non talented player on this blog. If you don't like what's going on, quit like the other losers.
ReplyDeleteCoach Carter is doing a great job. Keep up the good work Coach Carter and get rid of some more of the non productive players on the team. We support Coach Carter 100 %.
Why is it that these used up, washed up has beens want to kill off the messengers that are putting the spot light on Carter's dirty secrets? For the players that are speaking up and telling the truth, keep up the good work. You don't have to tell these bloggers anything, but I will tell you that you can make an appointment with Dr. Ammons and get your issues resolved. Carters' time is definitely drawing to an end. Remember this also, if you as players and students refuse to play as a majority, the University will have to act. The students have more power than most realize. No students, no team. Put that in your pipe and blow it out or if you like, strike on that.
ReplyDeleteI am a concern person and want to say to you coach carter supporters under this top that say that the players are cowards evidently you are the coward for not putting your name as a supporter of him.... and you never played the game.... you dont want to be singled out as a player so you do it anonymously like confidentially..... you also must not be a parent of the players or you dont want to loose out on getting your free tickets to the game from him...... like they and everyone is saying why go to the AD when he dont care and his nasty assistant they dont care about this school you stupid people.... DR. AMMONS NEED TO GET INVOLVED..HE BROUGHT HIS TRANSITION TEAM IN ON THE UNIVERSITY NOW ITS TIME TO TRANSITION THOSE ATHLETIC STAFF ASS RIGHT OUT OF HERE they are robbing the department blind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteStudents first!!!! the kids are dumb because they have a DUMB ASS THAT WAS FIRED FROM FLORIDA STATE AS THE ASSOCIATE ACADEMIC DIRECTOR!!!
ReplyDeletehow the hell do you get fired from being a academic counselor advisor making $25,000 a year with only a bachelors degree to going to an associate AD for academics making over $71,000 a year and you want to know why robert love and ronald wright and bryan parker to name a few football players are in the situation they are in.... and he dont know shit ..... you tell me....
and you want the players to go to the AD...
when the Senior Associate AD for Compliance was fired or on his way out the door as an Athletic Director for Alcorn State and you hire him in at $80,000 come on......
what the hell is really going on..
and the Football Program is in a mess with the non Coaching Staff....
Now you investigate and back that up....
The AD and his staff need to go and the football coaches!!!!
im not hating im being real...
Some of these players don't need to be on anybody's team. If things were going their way, they wouldn't complain. My son is on the team and he has the utmost respect for Coach Carter. The problem with the whining players is that they can't have their thuggish ways under Coach Carter. If you have a problem, take it to the AD. Otherwise, shut up and pretend you know how to play football. Coach Carter is building a football program with his kind of players. The kind that have character. If you have a problem with discipline, then quit. That infoplease and the other poor writing players on this blog are a disgrace to FAMU Football. Quit, got dammit!!!!
ReplyDeleteNow that was a mouth full. All I say is that as students, be it a football player or whatever, you have more rights than any coach. Just remember that. You don't have to contact the LAME DUCK AD (Nelson Townsend), he can not do anything for you anyway. Contact Dr. Ammons and request a meeting asap without your coaches. He will help I promise, just make the call. He is waiting.
ReplyDeleteDr. Ammons is very approachable. Members of the team with concerns about the program need to have a written presentation outlined for the president, arrange for a collective appointment, select two or three articulate players to make a presentation, and then, if you have made a reasonable argument for seeing the president, make that appointment through the appropriate person on Dr. Ammons' staff. Do not go half-cocked, misinformed, and inappropriately dressed to voice your concerns. Your written presentation, outlined arguments, and professionalism will carry you in the meeting, and the administration (presidential and athletic) will see that you are more than just "football players." They will see that you are serious students and students who are serious about the welfare of the program. Do not travel the road that the former quarterback traveled, ie., do not voice your opinions to the press--written or otherwise--before voicing them to the key people at the university. The administration will certainly respect you for that and will make an effort to address your concerns in a reasonable amount of time. There really is a way to get things done without hollering, shouting, whining and talking trash, non-stop. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteEasy for you to say.
ReplyDeleteThese are college kids with their scholarships in jeopardy if they piss the coach off.
The type of atmosphere that is prevalent in the fieldhouse is one of intimidation and fear.
For the AD and President to sit on their "collective" high horses and wait for such a for such a presentation is a cop out.
Now the President is busy with SACS however this fraud of an AD should already be on top of this.
Ammons was warned about Nelson and he's still there. Sick or not Ammons or his designee need to get on top of this like yesterday.
ReplyDeleteChester Sr - is a loud mouth with a following of other loud mouths.
Check out WCTV6 website.
8:19, this isn't a cop-out. there are ways to resolve things and i agree with 7:42 blogger. we have to find some kind of intelligent balance in order to move forward. the president is busy with a lot of things, not just sacs, and outsiders are not privvy to everything the president does on the inside.
ReplyDeletedid you know that two top prospect freshman recruits who would have been starting this year left the team and the school at the beginning of the fall semester this year because of the mess that is going on in the football program!!! its bigger than chester
ReplyDeletethey are not only leaving the team they are LEAVING THE SCHOOL! so if you want people to keep silent about what is really going on down there then so be it! and wait til something really blows up.........
This is too funny! All of yall hypocrits wanted Billy Joe gone and look what you got!
ReplyDeleteKeep laughing Coach Joe and enjoy your settlement!
If any prospects want to leave the university because of differences with the head coach, let them leave. I like the direction of the football program. I'm sorry that Albert Chester was misguided by people close to him, but FAMU Football is bigger than any one player or coach. He's history now. We have other players that are giving their blood, sweat, & tears. Lets support them. Go Rattlers.
ReplyDeleteChester punked out, because he was about to be
ReplyDeleteout-quarterbacked, and he couldn't take it. I reckon he said, "If I can't be first, well, then, I'll just pack up my #@%! and head home." Simple as that. All this other stuff about injuries and hurt wrists and whatevers, well, those may be partial reasons, but the real deal is that he saw the writing on the fieldhouse door and decided to take an exit. There may have been a bit of tension with him and the coaches and/or players, but the bottom line is that he believed that the entire game and organization was about him. And, as he can very well see, the game is so not about him. Rattler football is larger than one, single player. He'll see. I wish the new QB all the best. Let Chester go and pout if he wants to.