She will be paid at the (pay) grade 26 level, whatever that is.
Apparently, Miami-Dade School Board members aren't aware of Mrs. Ali's role as chief architect of the FAMU financial crisis under the Castell Bryant administration.
Also see: Ali: FAMU staff untrained
Under Ali, FAMU books unauditable
Ali & Castell left financial mess
Thanks, RN, for bringing us this "Where Are They Now?" update on Castell's cronies. These people are still likely trashing FAMU in order to talk themselves into new jobs, making claims that they "inherited" the financial mess from previous administrations (despite the fact that state audits prove the very opposite).
ReplyDeleteDade will learn soon enough. Keep us posted on where the rest of these Cornflakes end up. It ought to be interesting.
ReplyDeleteWow! Say it ain't so. I wonder how Ms. Ali worked that out. Miami-Dade Schools had to know better. Absoultely unbelievable!!!!!
ReplyDeleteol' girl must have the hookup. MIA-Dade must know how to research backgrounds, and a quick google search would show how Ali has been effing up at FAMU.
ReplyDeleteI want to know where Debra Austin has landed?
She was hired to help destroy FAMU not Miami Dade Schools! They say the Good always die young....well here is an example of how the bad people fininsh first!
ReplyDeleteLets just be thankful she is no longer at FAMU!
ol' tired-assed, lether-faced cassie, being from dade county, probably had a hand in getting that thing hired. who the H knows? as long as she's not at our university, we don't care where the ol' bat flies. yeah, where is debra?
ReplyDeleteGood gatdang riddance...
ReplyDeleteRemember- This is the Banana Republic. She'll fit right in.
ReplyDeleteWell, the school board members are going to have a field day.
ReplyDeleteThe only reason she was available to come mess FAMU up was the fact that she had been summarily fired from finance postions at University of Miami and Florida Memorial.
She is "hooked up" no doubt.
But Dr. Crew doesn't need the grief this hire is gonna eventually cause.
That "links network" at work
Ali in the Maimi Dade system surely is not surprising since she came from down there and Castell has connections there too!
ReplyDeleteCan you say T. Williard Fair?
ReplyDeleteYall are some crazy folks on this blog. Dr. Ali only worked at FAMU for 7 to 8 months. How in the hec can she trash the university's finances when the bugets are already loaded in the same ole, antiquated system that FAMU has been using for years. Any intelligent person(s) who understand finance/accounting would know this..give the lady a break!
ReplyDeleteRattlers, take note - University of Central Florida wants our LAW SCHOOL.
Strike, strike Rattlers!
Yall are some crazy folks on this blog. Dr. Ali only worked at FAMU for 7 to 8 months. How in the hec can she trash the university's finances when the bugets are already loaded in the same ole, antiquated system that FAMU has been using for years.
ReplyDeleteThe Florida auditor general stated that under Grace Ali and her staff did sloppy accounting and failed to properly document bank account reconcilations.
When a university's CFO fails perform such basic tasks, it's easy to see why the university received the first qualified audits in the history of Florida's State University System.
Ali inherited a bad financial situation (that extended from Jim Corbin's decision to get rid of all the veterans in the controller's office) and made it worse.
Can we get on with it? RN is going down the drain if we can't do anything better than talk trash and gossip about the CVB administration. Okay ... they are gone. Now what is going on to "righten" the ship?