SACS only meets twice a year, in December and June. FAMU will now have to make its case at the body's June meeting.
University remains fully accredited
University officials received a clean audit on Friday and believed it would have significantly impacted the outcome. The FAMU audit did not reach the Commission on College's Criteria and Reports Committee in time for its deliberation. This committee made the recommendation to the executive committee. The audit was a critical document that was required to show evidence of FAMU’s financial position. Auditor General’s Office worked with FAMU so the final audit could be submitted before the SACS meeting. Under normal circumstances, the audit may have been completed in December or as late as February 2008. The Commission on Colleges authorized a committee visit to the campus in April 2008 to review the audit and verify that the corrective actions have been implemented. SACS will make a decision regarding FAMU’s probationary status during its June 2008 meeting.
No new areas of non-compliance were cited by SACS.
What reason was given for the extension of probation? Can FAMU appeal this decision? The earlier visit by The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools implied that we were doing all the right things. An explanation is deserved!
ReplyDeleteGood. We need to remain on probation for at least 6 more months. Ammons keeps trying to say we got a clean audit. We didn't! We still have 7 outstanding issues. Guess the folks at SACS were not fooled. Sponsored Research is a mess. They are still not using the EIT system. Keith Jackson is working in the dark ages and refuses, through incompetence, to change. The Comptrollers Office is back under the direction of Sharma and Shetty. While S&S may be good they are past retirement age. The problem is that they will be replaced with incompetent hires. All that has happened is that they are showing Ammons how they used to fiddle the books in the good ol' Fred Humphries days. What of the grade scandal. Haven't heard that that has been cleared up. What of the late payment of persons dumb enough to do business with FAMU - is FAMU sudddenly paying its bills on time. Yea right! And of course FAMU is taking payroll over in January. There is a debacle just waiting to happen. Hope those poor FAMU students and faculty have lots of money saved up - they will need it.
ReplyDeleteSACS really should have taken us off probation - we only have a few problems.
P.S. Anyone looking to buy a bridge?
Probation is SACS’ most serious sanction, short of loss of membership. The commission considered FAMU’s financial problems too serious for a warning and so put it on probation. However, many schools with financial problems much worst than FAMU have been given a warning instead of probation. Now, the extension of FAMU’s probationary status appears to be for reasons other than poor finances, since FAMU has received a clean audit. It should not take long for SACS to recognize that fact. It appears SACS is looking for a reason to terminate FAMU’s membership---thus closing down the school. This extension is very serious. I’m sure Dr. Ammons felt that FAMU had complied with SACS stated demands.
ReplyDeleteThe Comptrollers Office is back under the direction of Sharma and Shetty. While S&S may be good they are past retirement age. The problem is that they will be replaced with incompetent hires. All that has happened is that they are showing Ammons how they used to fiddle the books in the good ol' Fred Humphries days.
ReplyDeleteWhat does Sharma and Shetty’s age have to do with anything? Whenever they are replace, Ammons will replace them with more competent people. You sound like an incompetent. If you are employed at FAMU, I hope they find and fire you. Gt a life!
This is confusing. Why would SACS be attempting to find a reason to close FAMU? The post prior to this is that the approval of an additional doctoral program is being added. ADDED! Wow. And then to read a supposed Famuan is happy about it and ripping their own university?! Wow. The only positive to this would be if all FAMUANs unite together to prove we are a premier institution and the conspired desire of those opposed will be silenced.
ReplyDeletePart of the reason is FAMU School of Nursing! Dr. Ammons you should have swept with the clean broom. The School of Nursing complaint is not going away until the Dean answers for allowing six students to re-take the Comp Exam after they had two or more failures in the School of Nursing. Those six students should have found new majors like all the other students who cannot pass the Comp Exam. What about us, the ones who didn't pass, when are we going to get our third and fourth chance? This is far from over and SACS obviously feels there is something to the complaint because they have agreed to look into it a little further and I do believe that is why FAMU got another six months. Six students, Six months probation and now another Six months, 666 has always been a sign of evil. Until you do right by me!
ReplyDeleteDr. Ammons said that the Commission didn't get the State certified audit in time. He said that if they got that audit which was released last Friday, he was confident that we would have been removed from the probationary status. A university is usually placed on probation for a 2 yeaar period, but the administration did what was necessary to address the issue in 5-6 months. I still Believe in FAMU; Do you?
ReplyDelete3:16, you need a shrink! Had you taken a hiatus from your recurring role of Celie from the Color Purple, you would note that SACS DID NOT give additional reasonings for the extended probation. It is speculation until they release their reasons and it will not be to us, it will be to the administration. The School of Nursing has already dealt with that issue and has been exonerated. PERIOD! All indications point to, however, a late receiving of the clean audit from the state to the SACS committee. Stop hating and let it go. Prayerfully, you are at ANOTHER institution (no pun intended).
ReplyDeleteNuRattler it is time that we start a massive e-mail writing campaign to SACS and let it be known that this institution and its "leaders" are rascist point blank!!! Given the mismangament of money by UF and and SACS has not said one word!!! African AMericans should be SICK AND TIERED of this type of treatment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Racsim is not dead it has simply changed its clothing! 1:35 you are really sick and confussed and the way you use the word "we" is even more baffling. I am not any part of "we" with you, self hate is a very serious mental defect. If you work at the university please quit! If you dont thank God!
ReplyDeleteNLJ: Law Schools Facing More Lawsuits by Disgruntled Students
ReplyDeleteScary story in today's National Law Journal: Suing Alma Mater, by Vesna Jaksic:
Unhappy with their exam grades, readmission policies and even administrators' conduct, a number of law students have sued their law schools in recent months. ...
Because of increasing costs of law schools, some students may be more likely to challenge issues that get in the way of their degree, said David Van Zandt, dean of Northwestern University School of Law and president of the American Law Deans Association. ...
On Nov. 14, John Valente, a second-year student at University of Dayton School of Law in Ohio, filed a complaint against the school, citing negligence in dealing with exam software. ... [He] alleges that some students used a loophole that allowed them to transfer answers to the test, thereby negatively affecting his grade and preventing him for competing for a position on the University of Dayton Law Review. ...
On Oct. 10, Clayton Hallford, a former first-year student at Florida A&M University College of Law in Orlando, filed a lawsuit claiming that one of his professors used questions from a commercial test guide in an exam, putting him and others without the guide at a disadvantage. ...
Lisa Dawn Rittenhouse filed a lawsuit against Southern Illinois University School of Law in Carbondale after she was told not to return for her second year because her first-year grade-point average was 1.948, just below the minimum 1.95 needed to continue. Rittenhouse, who is white and has learning disabilities, claims that she was discriminated against while minority students without handicaps who had lower averages were allowed to return. Rittenhouse v. Southern Illinois University School of Law, No. 07-CV-00763-MJR-PMP (S.D. Ill.).
Some of the student plaintiffs said they are not sure if the litigation will affect their employment in the legal field.
JA Rule is still fixing Castell's mess. They made a lot of progress, and SACS figured that they will increase the probationary period until everything is cleaned up. So far SACS has been nothing but complimentary about the job JA Rule has done thus far. If he continues at the same rate, FAMU will be fine.
ReplyDeleteThat is true. Let's not look at this as an isolated incident. They have been very praiseworthy (unlike the BOG) of FAMU's accomplishments. Let's finish the work so come April into June, there will be NO DOUBT of the tremendous regains of our school. This should galvanize all FAMUANS to step it up!
ReplyDeleteWHAT? WE NEED TO SUE!!!
ReplyDeleteListen, 3:46, no one's going to start any kind of mass anything, and certainly no one's going to start this race-calling action that you are calling for. Do you think the SACS people care one iota about some racist drivel you're espousing? Dang. Some people can be so danggone silly. You need to stop drinking the purple Kool-Aid, my friend.
ReplyDelete7:29, you are an idiot. "Sue" whom? SACS? Hell, we need SACS more than SACS needs us.
ReplyDelete8:08 and 8:10 My post were simply to fish out the true idiots and I knew they would pop out of their little holes. Yet, I will not go into the research that was put into the post as I see you have not done any research in making your asnine statements.
ReplyDeleteFurthermore, it is funny how now all of a sudden blacks think racsim is dead? I wish I could be as simple minded and to think I am from the generation that did not even get beat and jailed for simply being black. Go figure?
Yet, I am a student of history and facts. So I will tell you this much my ignorant friend or friends "when the people rise up the institutions must listen, because without the people there can be no instituions."
Funny had you spent one once of energy on a little thing called research (instead of attacks) you would know that a Federal Judge handed SACS their ass on a plate in 2005. Now, what was that you said, Whos' wes' gonna sue? Ours' massa' ol lawds no.
So sad I am LMAO!!!
ounce of energy
ReplyDeleteWOW. You know I tried to find a site dedicated to bashing one's own school. This is the only one I find. STOP pointing fingers. Just get your crap together.
ReplyDeleteThis is racist, UF is BAD, THEY DID it too. BOG is out to get US. Grow up, take responsibility for the crap your leaders created. Stop focusing on other school's issues and deal with your own.
Most of you sound like crybabbies. UCF got a MED School. boo hoo. UF has more problems than us. Boo Hoo. FAMU Law was stolen from US. Boo hoo. Us who...not you. Its 2007, get over it am do something today.
Your law school's circling the drain, there's this blog that seems to be for all the conspiracy nuts and at the end of the day what to have?
Your school is still a mess, your leadership is still a mess, your efforts are muted by racial overtones, and none of this changes the schools present situation.
Hey I got athough, STOP hiring FAMU alumi and hire COMPETANT staff. That's with "C" not a K.
I was a rattler unfortunately. You have got to kidding (after a year) is all I was thinking. I was excited to be here but the lack of support from the school and the administration created a sitution where my money was being wasted with no assurances of a beneficial outcome.
It's a GATER NATION, and GO KNIGHTS (Undergrad)...so live it.
PS: Million Dollar question. UCF was recently approved for new med school.
I'm taking bets....who will be accredited first? FAMU Law or UCF Med School?
PPS: I AM NOT WHITE, my skin is light brown.
ReplyDeleteNO, the only conspiracy is your purpose on the blog.
10:06PM, are you another one of those "coloreds" that have to look in the mirror every morning to remind themselves that they're not white? You seem to carry their water well.
ReplyDeleteWell, it's no secret that Belle Whelan (prez of SACS Commission on Colleges and from a CC) and Joe Silver (VP of SACS Commission on Colleges and from SSU- who is about to can him) are buddy-buddy with CastHell and Carolyn Roberts of the FL BOG. Can you all connect the dots?
ReplyDeleteThanks 10:37 great point the surface is for the suckers!
ReplyDelete10:06 WOW!!!! The ones that survived the noose gave birth to you. What ashame....
Check the BOONDOCKS..
ReplyDeleteWhats real is real...see the BOONDOCKS.
That's satire with a S.
You guys are like George Bush and the rest of the Republican party...you are are great at avoiding the issue...ACCREDITATION.
Riley. At the risk of sounding bad by agreeing with you....
ReplyDeleteI feel that many of the University's wounds are self inflicted. We do need to ficus on ourselves. We at FAMU (I am an GRAD Student here) are proud of our history. The fact is that even if others are out to get the university it does not matter in the least because at the end of the day all we have is the support of each other.
In my opinion, it is irrelevant what is going on elsewhere. Until we get our house in order the spotlight will continue to shine on FAMU.
My focus is to be the best student I can right now.
There's a sayin that goes, If you're busy minding other peoples business your probably too busy to mind your own. We should stay positive and focus on correcting the issues at OUR school. Those is the ones thataffect us most directly.
Riley, I hear what you're sayin. This is a sensitive subject and I for appreciate your candor though I may not aggree with all your points they are well taken.
The issue IS about getting accredited.
Truth and Riley:
ReplyDeletePay attention. The issue is NOT about "getting" accredited. The "issue" is maintaining, or geting "re-" accredited to maintina our status. The university is STILL accredited. The accreditation is on probation status for another 6 month. FAMU has never LOST their accreditation.
"or geting" should be "or getting". Typo. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteYou go poster, just another reminder of all the racist on FAMU's campus!
9:17. No one thinks "racism is dead." Who thinks such a thing, except perhaps WF who have never,ever had any kind of association with BF? Where do you get this stuff?
ReplyDelete9:17, no one's going to sue anyone. OK? If so, why don't YOU get the suit started?
ReplyDeleteOh, yes. Wheelan and Castell are very tight buddies. I don't doubt that Bryant is still fuming about her ouster. And we all know, girlF carries hate in her heart and a vendetta. (Oops, my bad! First you must HAVE heart in order to carry something in it. So let me re-phrase that: Girlf carries hate. Period.)
ReplyDeleteThe Democrat reported that SACS issued sanctions against the University of Miami and the University of South Florida. When did this happen and what sanctions did they receive?
ReplyDelete12:50 and 12:52 Sounds like 9:17 hit a nerve. Their point was valid and you respond like a 5th grader.
ReplyDeleteFYI-The Law School is NOT Accredited. Only provisionally and I hope to god they get Full this year. That won't happen until main campus gets a clean slate from, no probation.
ReplyDeleteSometime we can become so acclimated to the spin machine that we become so very cynical to the pointbof self-defeat. I appreciate the candor of Dr. Ammons and his leadership skill to keep the morale of the university and the community uplifted. There is so much hope on the horizon. With that in mind, let's forget about what the other schools in FL are doing. Only we can fix FAMU with internal focus. Put down the race card. We understand but we don't need it. The law school is being taken care of. Just let's not fall out among each other.
ReplyDeleteWell put.Put down the race card and lets focus on ourselves. It's a HBCU so you know theres going to scrutiny. That said, lets focus on the school. The law school is getting better but the reputation has been badly damaged. St Petes Times has a woody for running bad press about the law school in particular. There are other problems elsewhere but that still should not be our focus.
ReplyDeleteFIU has full accreditation and the opened at the same time FAMU did. The Dean has been in place since they opened thier doors. FAMU had Luney (left amidst a mess)then a trail of people after who were not vested in the school's success.
Here we are still on provisional (the law school) and people are now afraid to come here instead of being proud. Parents black, white, whatever, are keeping thier kids out of FAMU. They don't think their money is well spent.
Meanwhile there's infighting instead of solidarity. UF, BCC, FSU,USF...all these schools have problems all but the question is, even if there is a double standard....what's that got to do with FAMU. At lease it's no secret that we're being held to a higher standard. Let's rise to the challenge and exceed the expectation of mediocracy and potential failure.
First of all, I appreciate the SACS holding my alma mater to a higher standard. It says that they feel that we can do better and we can do more. We would be utterly insulted if they said "oh well, what else do you expect from them?" That's the time to pull the race card. And if there were no apparent problems and they put us on probation, then we could pull the race card. But there have been some real problems at FAM and we all who have been blessed by FAMU, past and present, owe it to step up to the plate and take our place among the Harvards, Stanfords, and Princetons again. While we are perturbed with SACS and the BOG, can we really get pissed off at the BOT (Board of Trustees) who sat by and allowed gross negligence to take place on their watch. They should have had our best interest and they as whole, failed us. See, no whites. Our own failed us on so many levels.
ReplyDeleteI am facing a challenge with my city's board of education. You know whose fighting me? Blacks who have been satisfied with silence. It has given place to the powers that be to manipulate the system to their favor. Until we learn to unify we will get nowhere. FAMU, our best days are ahead. We need to hold this awesome administration to a high standard of better hirings, better accountability, better programming. This is how we will again become the envy of the state. Let's believe and support EVERY SINGLE EFFORT our school makes in the right direction. Peace.
I'm waiting for "the lawsuit" to happen.