Senate critical of FAMU Task Force

Derry Harper, the Florida of Board of Governor's newly minted Inspector General charged with the task of running the SUS Task Force which oversees FAMU finances was roundly criticized yesterday by members of the higher education appropriations committee.

The committee met to review the status of FAMU. Senators wanted to know what specific work had been done by a task force created by the Board of Governors. Members didn't get the answers they sought.

"This whole thing to me is just a bunch of fluff," state Sen. Jeremy Ring, D-Margate, said to Harper. "What I really want to know is what did you find and why should we continue to pay for you."

The Legislature granted the task force a $1 million budget when it was created. However, state Sen.Al Lawson in December suggested that the task force be disbanded. State University chancellor Mark Rosenberg dismissed the idea, saying that the Legislature had given the task force a specific mission.

Read more at: Senate critical of FAMU Task Force

Also see: Lawson ask BOG to dissolve FAMU Task Force

You may also want to read: BOG rejects Lawson plea

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  1. It is time for the Senate to end this Task Force.

    FAMU's new slogan: "Free the Chains!"

  2. How about we have a "Task Force" on employee competence!

  3. How about a Task Force on FAU's audit?

  4. My question is: "Where did the $1M go?" Because they damn sure didn't give one dollar to Ammons to help clean up Castell's financial mess.

    Maybe the state auditor general needs to conduct a special audit of the Board of Governors task force.

  5. BOG if you search its history was a puppet machine of the former Gov. who continues to talk about all the gains made in education under his leadership. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!! They are the last ones standing to carry out his evil plan for the limiting of FAMU's scope in higher education. Pappas report? And the Chair of this so called "Task Force" is a Pappas?

  6. I cannot help thinking that Ammon's honeymoon is over.

    Hey Rattler nation, great news that you are becoming censors! Guess you will be going out of business if you continue doing this!

  7. Do really think these folks are serious? If so, they would have strung Frank Brogan up by his big toe for not responding to the Audit Committees' summons last week for a personal appearance. Where was all of the outrage -- Evelyn King expressed last year?

  8. Derry Harper is JEB's flunky.

  9. 5:22 said,

    They are the last ones standing to carry out his evil plan for the limiting of FAMU's scope in higher education

    I don't understand, the university can't even manage what is has now. It is widely known throughout the state that FAMU is the poorest run university in the state.

    What serious minded legislature is going to give FAMU anything with its past history in finances.

  10. Ammons is Humphries flunky

  11. I agree with that statement about ammons being humphries flunky. I believe he is fooling trhe people and alumni of FAMU. Like the old saying goes, you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time. Wake up folks.

  12. Looks like the anti-FAMU spammers are back. These people liked it when Castell was receiving qualified audits and are mad that Ammons cleaned up enough of her mess in 6 months to earn an unqualified audit.

  13. 12:34 am in no other world not run by a people who are a by-product of an instituion of 400-plus years of evil, ie American educational system would such an asinine statement be made. For FAMU to still be standing in the wake of all the attempts on its very being is proof that what man has for evil, God has for good!

    What like minded African Americans need to do is to Privatize FAMU!!!

  14. Some of you people are amazing. Dr. Humphries has been gone for years. What possible reason would he have to control the ongoings of FAMU? You conspiracy-theorists need to keep it moving. And if Ammons is Humphries flunky, that says alot seeing as the mess CVB and Co. made is being cleaned up!

  15. Privatize FAMU? Where we going to get the money to pay for the campus and buildings?

    I am all for going the route of BCU, but how do we do it?

    We could move to Gadsden County where land is cheaper and start fresh.

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