FAMU to get $175,000 in marketing support

The Leon Country Commission voted last night to give FAMU $175,000 of the $200,000 it had requested to help the university market its athletic and cultural events. The money will come from the reserve fund of the county's Tourist Development Council.

FSU requested $250,000 in grant money, but was awarded $225,000 in support.

On August 5, the County's Tourist Development Council had recommended providing FSU with $250,000, while setting aside only $50,000 for FAMU. However, FAMU submitted a request for $200,000 in funding.

The Commission spent over 90-minutes debating proposals from both schools before deciding on the $225,000 for FSU and $175,000 for FAMU.

When FAMU football kicked off the 2008 season last weekend, it was the biggest crowd for a home opener in five years, and there were easily 3,000 Alabama State University supporters at the game. FAMU has four remaining home football games this season.

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  1. We deserve every dam penny of this money. Rattlers spend money Leon County just like other folks.

  2. This is what it's all about. The county and the schools working together. FAMU has now shown that we are willing to bring bigger opponents to Bragg Stadium with ASU this year and Southern next year. We consistenly have only two Classics (one in State) while comparable programs like Grambling have maybe 5. Hopefully this partnership just grows and grows.

  3. This is great news...

  4. Tola Thompson, our Executive Assitant to the President for Governmental Relations deserves a standing ovation for making sure that this happened.

    He enlisted the help of "soon to be" State Representative Alan Williams and Commissioner William Proctor and they made it happen.

    Tola Thompson's legislative lobbying this past year has neeted the University big dividends as well!

    Congratulations to Tola on a job well done!

  5. based on the amount of money we bring to the county vs. fsu, I think we got a lot more than our fair share...

    congratulations on the coup d'état!

  6. Thompson to Proctor a Jake Gaither Park ally oop, yall go ahead on and do tha damn thang!

  7. we certainly got a lot more than our share, but I think there is a lot more growth potential with FAMU than FSU. Everyone in the country who's a remote football fan is aware of FSU ball and has seen them play at least for a National Title.

    FAMU Athletics is still a relative unknown outside of the HBCU world, so there's plenty of room for improvement and the County has answered the call. We need to market our brand to everyone within an hours drive to the campus to support our games.

  8. Bottom line: FAMU events fill up hotel rooms in Tallahassee just like FSU does, yet on average, we pay more per night. FAMU fans arrive in town days earlier than FSU fans do. The room total does not grow bigger, just because FSU has an event. We deserve that money, if for nothing else, based on how much we've shortchanged in the past.

    Big thanks to our Governmental Affair Director for making the playing field just a little more even. A Rattler that's actually earning his keep!

  9. Do we pay more per night. I've heard Seminole fans complaining about having jacked up prices when they come to town.

  10. Jacked up my butt. Their prices are lower than ours during homecoming. Do a comparison.

  11. Why are Killarn white people scared to go to the mall during FAMU homecoming?

    I think its because the FAMU homecoming attracts a lot of thugs that are not associated with this fine university.

    I don't know how to solve the problem, but FAMU homecoming needs to be about FAMU and its alumni.

    We need to find a way to eliminate/discourage the bad element that crashes our party.

    Because of that "bad element" the hotels feel that they are taking a bigger risk and they raise their prices or they say they do not have vacancy.

    Any ideas?

  12. That bad element need exposure to a fine positive university like FAMU, they too need a chance to change their lifestyle. Brothers and sisters need brother and sisters. Killarn can do what they please so be it. Freedom of choice. Why don't you have a pre-rally for homecoming 2008 and pass out flyers to the "Thugs" community inviting them to the gains and challenges that FAMU has gone through and asking them to support FAMU without violence and crime for the 2008 HOMECOMING. Better yt, pitch in and throw a
    b-b-que in French town, Joe Louise Projects, Orange Ave., etc. include a pre-car show selling rally tickets for scholarship funds. There is a way to include and avoid excluding people. Which ship did your family come over on?

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