License fee earns FAMU $73,000

For the 2007-2008 school year Florida A&M University earned $73,134 from the sale of "officially licensed" products. While that amount pales in comparison to the $8.2 million in gross royalties earned by the University of Texas, the Collegiate Licensing Company's top seller, it was enough to make FAMU the second best selling (licensed) HBCU.

FAMU is beginning to take aggressive action to better protect its trademarks, for its first home game University officials, and police, visited vendors and stores checking for "bootleg" FAMU products.

President James Ammons announced, earlier this year, that "Knock-off" FAMU merchandise is now illegal and subject to seizure."

"Counterfeit products and the vendors who sell them rob FAMU of thousands of dollars in royalty fees. FAMU lost well over $100,000 to unlicensed merchandise last year," Ammons said. The university receives 7.5 percent of the purchase price of each licensed product sold.

To show that they mean business, FAMU Police Chief Calvin Ross will be giving notice to homeowners who rent or lease their space to vendors.

Ross explained the consequences of selling the counterfeit merchandise.

"Individuals that are in possession of (counterfeit product) and are selling these items are also subject to arrest."

Florida statute makes it a third degree felony if the illegal merchandise that is being offered for sell is valued over $1,000. A first degree misdemeanor takes places if the value is under $1,000 Ross said.

Officially licensed merchandise should display the "Officially Licensed Collegiate Product" hologram somewhere on the product or hangtag.

Also see: Hayes asks fans to buy only licensed products

Don't forget to support our online store where you can get REAL licensed FAMU Rattler products. It's the largest collection of FAMU gear online. Check it out: RN's online store

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  1. You can't throw a stone in North Florida without hitting somebody that's wearing a FAMU shirt. Let's make FAMU the highest selling merchandise in D1 FCS.

  2. you can throw one at me. i graduated from famu, live in tallahassee and work at famu, but i don't own a shirt. next.

  3. Two thumbs up! We should have been on this along time ago. We gotta stop giving away our trademark.

  4. This is great news. The revenue from this merchandise will really help out the athletic department.

  5. 10:56 what was your point? I would call you ignant, but then it would take away from the job you already did.

  6. It sheds light onto the fact that even in Tallahassee its hard to find FAMU gear. Good FAMU gear, gear that FAMUans would wear. I live in Broward county and with all of the alumni here, I know I'm not the only one who can't find somewhere to buy Rattler wear. I pass more FAMU tags, than t-shirts. Also, we need to get more tags on the road. Maybe its time for a new one as well.

  7. Mr. Broward County,

    Did you take a look at the RN web link to "official FAMU" stuff that was provided? They have some really nice stuff.

  8. We always like to talk about the bad associated with CBryant. However, I remind you that she first started to aggressively go after unlicensed vendors and people poo-pooed her for doing this. Now the anointed one does it and it is okay. So much for balanced and fair reporting. Whether we think she was 99% bad or not, give her credit when she deserves it since we certainly remind people weekly of everything we believe she did wrong.

  9. ^^^

    Are you serious?

    You are obviously a johnny come lately to the party! Castell never tried to step up enforcement. And, lets not talk about how her choice for AD spent the Department $3M in the hole.

    The only good that CVB did was resign, and she did that about 16 months too late!

  10. 5:37, I would say that you are ignorant. Simply because a person doesn't OWN A CERTAIN BRAND OF SHIRT makes them ignorant? Your logic is seriously flawed, so that would make YOU ignorant. Simply because a person is employed at a certain place should be enough reason to own a garment that blazons the company logo?? Surely you are more informed than what you've presented yourself to be. I doubt it, though.

    The original comment, thank you very much, was that one couldn't "throw a stone in North Florida without hitting someone that's wearing a FAMU shirt." The response was this is not always the case. I do support the university -- and have supported the university -- monetarily -- throughout my employment there. I simply don't own "a FAMU shirt." If that makes me "ignant" -- your term, not mine -- then be it. But I think your ignorance is more on display here than mine could or would ever be. So you "own a shirt." And what "else" have you done for the university? Because owning a shirt is not "doing"; it's a "wearing."

    Mouthing off means nothing. Except when you put your $$ where your mouth is, which, obviously, you are unable to do.

  11. correction of my ^^ post: "emblazons."

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