FAMU profs knew Rose was a star-in-the-making

big rattler
1 minute read
When Anika Noni Rose was a student in FAMU’s Essential Theatre program, her professors knew she was destined for Hollywood greatness.

Valencia Matthews, director of theatre and assistant dean of the FAMU College of Arts and Sciences, taught Rose during her tenure at FAMU. According to Matthews, she was a talented and driven student who was clear about her goals and committed to pursuing them.

“We are very proud of her,” said Matthews. “Anika is doing what she loves and she is doing it well and enjoying it. That is just what we love to see all our students do. We are very pleased and excited about her success.”

Luther D. Wells, chairman of the Visual Arts, Humanities and Theatre Department and associate director of theatre, also taught Rose. He had no doubts that she would one day be successful.

“She was a very serious student and Anika had that kind of spirit that was committed to the craft,” he said. “She always wanted something bigger and better. When Anika graduated from FAMU, I had no doubt that she would be very successful.”

Rose stars as the voice-talent for Walt Disney’s first black princess, Princess Tiana, in an animated film, “The Princess and the Frog.” It is a musical and animated comedy set in New Orleans, La. Rose also recently performed “Almost There,” Princess Tiana’s theme song, on “Good Morning America.” She is featured on the January 2010 cover of Essence magazine.

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  1. Anika was truly driven at school, there was no doubt she was serious about her craft...I am so proud to have been her classmate.

  2. I love the FAMU shout out she gave halftime of the Bayou Classic. Priceless !!

  3. Now, everyone who spoke, winked, nodded, smiled, waved, frowned, whispered,looked at, sat next to in class or in the cafe, walked past her on the stairs, stood in the elevator with, passed her in the hall, and touched the hem of her dress will claim her as their own. She is no doubt an electrifying presence on the screen, and her voice in the new Disney film is very lovely. Folks, however, need to get a grip and recognize that her skills and talents are God-given and person-driven with, of course, a great deal of mentoring from a steady group of mentors along the way. Those of you who might jump to claim this talented woman might want to step back a bit and recognize that you may not have had dip to do with her rise.

  4. Annd you're a hater. It'll consume you. That was not necessary. Go sit. Smh.

  5. @4:10p It's a far cry from what she said on Tom Joyner when Dreamgirls premiered.

    She lost me as a fan after that interview. If you see her, ask her why hasn't she returned to The Hill since she's graduated?

    Well I guess if you were happy to get away from The Hill then why forsee a return.... "shrugging shoulders"

  6. 9:46, you know that the blogger above you was right on the $$. I would say the person is a 'hater," but I would say that what they've said is real and true.

  7. correction on my above ost: "I wouldn't say ..."

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