He and his runningmate, Devin Harrison, received a total of
1,366 votes. Graham endorsed the ticket in a public statement that she released
during campaign week.
“Being the tenacious and hard working individuals that I’ve
grown to know, Justin Bruno and Devin Harrison are more than capable of
protecting and uplifting the College of Love and Charity,” she said.
Harrison is from Tallahassee and studies public relations.
He has served as the freshman class president, a FAMU peer mentor and is
currently an escort for the Royal Court.
The president-elect and vice-president elect are both
members of the Beta Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
In other student election news, The FAMUan reported: “Amberly
Williams was elected Miss Florida A&M University with 1,847 votes, James
Rozier was elected Mr. FAMU with 1360 votes, Keenan Williams was elected King
of Orange and Green with 1,384 votes, Ijeoma Ogala was elected Queen of Orange
and Green with 1,382 votes and Adrienne Floyd was elected Electoral
Commissioner with 619 written in votes.”