BOT Approves Faculty Raise

da rattler
In an emergency meeting this morning FAMU Trustees approved a two-percent pay raise for faculty. The raise is contingent upon FAMU reaching an agreement in collective-bargaining negotiations.

If a agreement is reached, facutly who have been employed since last July and who have received a satisfactory evaulation would receive the raise.

Those are a lot of dam contingencies for collective-bargaining negotiations which have yet to begin. Hmmmm.

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  1. Ummm..., let's see. I teach and prepare the next group of AA students to take their places in corporate America, Law, Medical, Dental, and Grad school for a 2% raise that amounts to $1,000 a year for the average faculty member.

    However, Castell gets a grand total of $80,000 for f--king FAMU up?

    Someone better get the KY jelly, because the faculty are about take another screwing by the BOT and Castell, if a concensus of the minds don't prevail.

    Tell them what they can do with the $1,000 before taxes.

  2. That is less than inflation, so we are paying our faculty less money the next year. FAMU needs a serious endowment quickly so that whatever chumps we have running the school can only mess things up to a certain limit

  3. The amount equals about $38.31 per pay period before taxes.

  4. Bryant asked trustees to act on the raise during an emergency board teleconference. It would be drawn from FAMU's $8 million unaudited surplus in its 2004-05 budget, of which $6 million was unspent in the salaries area.

    The state Auditor General's Office this month will finish its report on the 2004-05 budget and allow 30 days for FAMU to respond before the final audit and findings are released.

    If the surplus is to be believed, there is no reason why the faculty and staff should not receive "Combat Pay" and a $2,500 bonus for all of the pain and suffering they all have had to endure these last 3 years.

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