Ticket Office Nightmare

da rattler

FAMU's football season ticket campaign got off to big start last week before running into the human error that is the staff in the FAMU ticket office. Rattler Nation has learned that early in the week the phones in the office were not being answered.

One would be season ticket purchaser reported the following on Monday,
I just called the ticket office between 3:00 p.m. and 3:35 p.m. on my dinner break and the phone was not picked up 1 time and I tried 8 times because I was going to order my season football tickets is anyone working up there .I was told the ticket office was open until 4:30p.m.

To verify this, we tried calling ourselves at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday only to have the phone ring 15 times before being answered. We tried again on Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. and our call was answered on the second ring.

Other horror stories we've heard include:
Last year I purchased two season tickets in person. The young man who waited on me was a student. It was obvious that he had no training in customer service etiquette and very little energy. I requested specific seats on a specific row and he assured me that those were the seats that I was purchasing. Needless to say, my season tickets were not for the seats that I requested.

To be fair, we've also heard the following:
I do not have an issue with the ticket office. They have done an excellent job with what they have to work with.

We also understand that folks have been placed on hold for an inordinate period of time and told two conflicting stories about the Florida Classic tickets. Whatever, the case we are absoulutely sure that the athletic ticket office represents an area in need of improvement.

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  1. That picture says a thousand words.

    I feel when I call FAMU, the person on the other end of phone is pissed that I called and really just wants to get rid of me as quick as possible.

  2. You can't really blame the ticket office personnel. I once worked in the Athletics Department, and I know that the Ticket Office is very short staffed. One person is employed there, and students have to volunteer (meaning they don't get paid) to help out. One person can only do so much, especially when their help isn't obligated to come and render their services. So I think that everyone should try to understand that the REAL problem is the Ticket Office being short-staffed. Maybe if people complain to the President enough, she'll actually hire some more help down there.

  3. If the ticket office can't answer its phones in a timely manner because it is understaffed, then that is one thing.

    However, there is NEVER an excuse for bad attitudes from those who answer the calls. If these people don't want to deal with customers, then they should not be working as customer service representatives.

  4. Anonymous @ 5:11 p.m.,

    With the new sheriff (Townsend) in town, am I to understand that he did not meet and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of his area?

    Let's stop making excuses. If Townsend is serious, he should get on top of this right away.

    Remember, he's captained this ship once before.

  5. It's me again, the second anonymous person. I agree with the last two comments. I've worked in customer service before, and I've also been a customer. People have been rude to me for no reason at all, so I can understand the comment about the ones answering the phones who are rude. I agree that they should have a better attitude. And since I'm not working there anymore, I'm not surre what Mr. Townsend plans to do about the lack of help in the Ticket Office, but something needs to be done immediately. The solution to the problem of not having enough workers is long overdue.

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