Presidential (non) Search Drags on

da rattler
The Rev. R.B. Holmes and the "powers that be" continue to drag out the FAMU presidential search.

After a year of "focus group" meetings with alumni, community, facutly (twice) and even chicken little, the committee is now accepting proposals from search firms to look for FAMU's next leader. The top firms(s) will be presented to the full board by June 29. This will be followed by approval of the established process and firm by the State University System Board of Governors.

The process which has already dragged on for an inordinate amount of time continues to inch forward as the various internal hoops the committee has put in place are being jumped through.

As we understand it, the search process will not actually begin until December 2006, with the screening of applications set for March 2007. If the internal time table that we've been made aware does not slip, the committee will begin to interview applicants sometime in June 2007. The current plan is to invite applicants to campus in September 2007 and whittle them down to three in December 2007. Final interviews will be held in January 2008 (with the top three) and a full board vote in March 2008.

Of course, a bad audit and Jeb's desires could change this long drawn out process R.B. and Company have set-up.

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  1. Tried to told the Rattlernation that this would happen. These people couldn't run a lemonade stand, even if the instructions were written by the Harvard School of Business...

  2. Dragging this search out this long is a deliberate ploy to keep Bryant, Corbin, et el in charge.

  3. It's clear that keeping Bryant on is part of a deliberate plot to destroy FAMU.

  4. Anonymous @ 10:34 a.m., forget Harvard B-School, what about Sesame Street or Barney.

  5. R.B. Holmes is so weak kneed and wishy washy it isn't funny. He constantly colludes with James Corbin, Castell Bryant and others who have led this university straight to hell.

    It's really time for Holmes to stand on his own two feet and start using his own God-given common sense instead of doing what those crazy, community-college has-beens tell him.

  6. Of course, you assume that Holmes has common sense. For the record, he doesn't!

  7. That's very true. He does lack sensible judgement. That's why he's let James Corbin and Challis Lowe screw him over for the chairmanship, despite the deals he'd previously cut with them.

    What a push-over. I can see why they wanted him as head of the search process. He's easy to slap around.

    But, at least Holmes did draw the line on Debra Austin, by saying that the new president needed at least 5 years of college presidential experience. We'll see if he can actually stand his ground on this one.

  8. why not just get rid of holmes all together he's down there at Florida Memorial on their trustee board...get rid of him...what does he know about running a wonder the cathy hughes and regina left...they didnt want to put up with the foolishness...I particularly dont agree with having minister running anything other than a church! separation of church and state everyone...he must go...NOW!

  9. Can someone tell how the faith-based money at FAMU's Institute for Urban Policy and Commerce (fired McGill) are related to Holmes and church?

    Would like to know what really happened behind McGill getting fired.

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