By DInsider
Sunday started out as they normally do, peacefully, until Altha Manning contacted Dr. Usry and implied that he intended to harm the university or mislead the public with this “Band Uniform and Instrument DRIVE.” I say, is this anyway, an interim executive director should approach/treat a long-standing supporter and alumnus of FAMU? After instructing Dr. Usry to “CEASE all fundraising activities immediately”, per IP Castell Bryant, she waxed on about how his actions called into question the credibility of the University. Oh no…, Altha just didn’t stop there, she then called Dr. Alvin Bryant. This is where the threats by Altha went down hill, not only should Dr. Usry cease, but all fundraising activities at the national and chapter levels. The NAA president did not cave in and fired back a couple of arsenals of his own.
What’s ironic is the university has not come up with a workable recruitment plan, capital campaign, or anything original for that matter? But they are great at hiring and firing and trying to micromanage every creative idea of the NAA. Secondly, when did Castell and Altha become all gong-ho FAMU, for years they ignored FAMU. Last year, probably marked the first-time they gave to their alma mater, but after all they should be able to do so with their social security checks, retirement pension/401-K and of FAMU's 6-figure salaries…….
I've been away from the Hill for awhile... What are Altha Manning and Dr. Usry's positions?
ReplyDeleteAltha Manning is the director of alumni affairs. She was Castell Bryant's point person in chopping apart the research division and turning back years of progress in securing new research grants and contracts.
ReplyDeleteManning is an irresponsible, inept, yes-woman.