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FAMU NAA President Alvin Bryant, M.D., has written Trustee Chair Challis Lowe asking her to urge the University to cooperate with state auditors who are trying to complete FAMU's 2005 Financial Audit.
State auditors have been hampered and frustrated in their efforts to complete the audit by University administrators who have delayed to turn over requested information/documentation. See: $620M in journal entries questioned by State Auditors
Auditors have been requesting that University turn over certain documentation
/information since April 26, 2006. Their request has fallen largely on deaf ears, forcing auditors to write to the University Interim President on May 11th asking her help in getting the information.
In a letter dated June 9, NAA President Bryant wrote to BOT Chair Lowe:
...Today, I have been informed that the engine that runs Florida A&M University, our finances,have once again been called into question. ... (certainly) this isn't news to you, Trustee Pam Duncan (Chair of the Audit Committee)...(since auditors cc'd you on their May 11th letter) ...You have chronically permitted your employee (the IP) to delay the submission of documentation/information for journal enteries, property records, depreciable capital assets in the amount of approximately
$620,909,120 and allowed this amount to remain unreconciled for the audit period... This neglectful behavior must not continue. I am hopeful that you will use your position to insist that your employee (the IP) complies with the Auditor Generals office.
Further, NAA President Dr. Bryant wrote:
...the inaction of the Board is the cause of current state of affairs at FAMU. Not only have you not successfully supervised your employee, but you have unsuccessfully stopped the massive deterioration of the financial infrastructure of the university.
Please clarify for me when the Auditors report was given to the president.
ReplyDeleteI heard she received it Friday. According to the Auditor Generals letter the date he sent it was June 23.
I understand that all 11 state universities received their reports late this year. Florida State received theirs in April. I have attached the link for those who really want to know the truth.
Instead of employees of FAMU being disgruntled and misinforming us who really love this university. Do your jobs and represent us well.
We depend on you.
Please see attached link.