Critics are bemoaning the fact that an "expelled" federal judge could lead the committee that oversees U.S. intelligence programs. Never mind, that Mr. Hastings was acquitted of all charges.
Hastings is being opposed by a group of Republicans and 18 members of the "Blue Dog" Democrats, a group that includes U.S. Rep. Allen Boyd and U.S. Rep. Sanford Bishop.
Mr. Hastings, who has the staunch support of former Florida Sen. Bob Graham, a former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, suggests that his critics are off base. He notes that he has been on the Intelligence Committee for seven years and hasn't divulged any state secrets.
''I've visited 31 of our intelligence facilities,'' Hasting said in a recent interview. ``I doubt very seriously if combined the Republicans and Democrats on the committee have visited that much. If our secrecy and integrity is an issue, I'm here to tell you I have a whole lot of secrets in my head.''
Hastings maintains his innocence. He notes that he was acquitted by a jury in 1983 and suggests that he is ''probably the cleanest person in Congress'' after years of scrubbing by federal investigators.
''I don't know anybody who has had their life gone over for nine years and they didn't find anything,'' Hastings said. ``There were no Swiss bank accounts. What they found was I drank liquor and I had some girlfriends. That's not a crime.''
Double standard
By contrast, these critics were all but silent when incoming speaker Nancy Pelosi backed U.S. Rep. John Murtha -- who was named an ''unindicted conspirator'' in the 1980 Abscam scandal.
Read more here: Hastings comes under fire
Alcee should be chair! He's earned it and he's intelligent!
ReplyDeleteHasting's can not "go back and claim his federal judgeship" as your article incorrectly states. Not only was he impeached for bribery charges, but he was also disbarred.
ReplyDeleteAre you sure about that? The government DID NOT prove its case against him.
Further, as CBC chair Mel Watts said, ''Impeachment is a political circus.''
Hastings not only deserves this position but has earned it ten-fold. He has done a fine job of answering the needs of the citizens of his district, and he has brought much-needed pride to our nation as President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. I encourage everyone to spread the word to fax, e-mail and call Pelosi's office voicing our concerns and support of his appointment. Nancy Pelosi's Fax is:202-225-8259 her phone # is:202-225-4965. Let's make it happen!!!
ReplyDeleteHe or she is right. Hasting's was disbarred. Therefore, he is no longer an attorney, can not practice law, or "claim his federal jugdeship." Look it up.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Alcee got off on a technicality. Charges were brought against him and another attorney. The attorney went to prison but Alcee did not because he made a deal and testified against the other attorney.
Not only does Alcee have a questionable criminal record, but apparently there is much talk of him having a long history of unprofessional relationships with his female employees.
ReplyDeleteHasting's can not "go back and claim his federal judgeship" as your article incorrectly states.
ReplyDeleteThanks. Good catch. Correction made.
Hastings did NOT get off on a technicality! The cases were severed prior to trial as they should have been, allowing each person to put on their own defense! Most interesting is the fact the Constitutional bar against Double Jeopardy was thrown out of the window when the Senate decided to get another bite at the apple after he was acquitted! The evidence against Hastings was NOT heard by the full Senate, but instead a special committee of 12 members. Additionally, the same person (William Boarders) who was also charged REFUSED to testify against Hastings and was jailed on contempt! Does that sound like something someone would do if they were the victim of someone testifying to untruth's in their trial? I think NOT! Most upsetting is the fact that the Senate couldn't even decide a standard for evaluating the evidence - "beyond a reasonable doubt" or "preponderance of the evidence"! How crazy is that? So, should ANYONE put their trust in the outcome of their decision? UHH NOOO! Regardless, Hastings proved everyone wrong, and continues to do so by leading an EXECELLENT example of what resilience means and has gained respect both nationally and internationally!
ReplyDelete"There is much talk of him having a long history of unprofessional relationships with his female employees". SO, UNTRUE! THERE IS NO SUCH TALK, AND I AM A CURRENT RESIDENT OF HIS DISTRICT AND HAVE BEEN FOR THE LAST 12 YEARS HE HAS BEEN IN CONGRESS! NOT ONCE HAS THERE BEEN ANY ALLEGATIONS THAT HAVE CIRCULATED FORMALLY OR INFORMALLY! I tell, folks will come up with ANYTHING to hold someone DOWN! Get a life!
ReplyDeleteHastings deserves to be chair! We Rattlers should lift our voice and get behind him!
ReplyDeleteBefore anyone calls Pelosi's office to express support or opposition to Alcee's nomination for Intel Chair, I ask that you seriously consider your position and research all the candidates.
ReplyDeleteTo support Alcee simply because he is Black or a FAMU law school grad is ignorant.
As a person that closely follows politics, there are truths to what many of you have said about Alcee and his reputation.
Yes he has done a fair job in serving his district. And yes he has had questionable relationships with some of his female employees. But does that qualify or disqualify him to now be Intel Chair? Maybe it does, maybe it does not.
Many would argue that Mark Foley served his constituency well, even William Jefferson who was recently re-elected.
Do we as Americans want an Intel Chair with such a significant blemish on his record? Such a history would not even qualify him to be a Teller at a bank, let alone work with the FBI/CIA; so why would we want him to be Intel Chair?
Despite what some of his employees may say on this blog, I URGE you to do your homework and make an informed decision.
You need to your homework, and think twice about making loose comments to imply that anyone blogging works for his office! What office do you work for? What do you do? More importantly, what have YOU done for the US lately? So much critism, so little REAL input! Alcee has been recognized across the world and was selected to be the President of an International Organization (Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation)! He has served on the committee for so long and has worked hand-in hand with the FBI and CIA. There is NO QUESTION that he is more than capable to represent the US, as he has already done SUCCESSFULLY!
ReplyDeleteSure he works with the FBI or CIA as Congressman. But I think the person that wrote "such a history would not even qualify him to be a Teller at a bank, let alone work with the FBI/CIA" meant that Hasting's could not work with the FBI, CIA or even a bank, given his history, if he was not a Congressman. You know as well as anyone else that you would need a squeaky clean record to do so.
ReplyDeleteThe comment about Hastings' employees responding to this blog seemed to have struck a deep/emotional nerve with the previous blogger. Maybe there is some truth to that.
In regards to the statement "Alcee has been recognized across the world and was selected to be the President of an International Organization (Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation," I ask what does that prove? Last I checked, Bush has many accolades and is serving his second term as President but yet he is not fit for his job either.
If you don't support Alcee don't for those of us that do lets call Pelosi...and yes I do itbecause he is a FAMU grad and b/c it would bode well for my alma mater. He is an articulate savy congressman who will affectively serve the interest of this country, african american and FAMU...what is politics but having access...having him as Chair gives more of the African American community access and gives FAMU an opportunity to avail our students and faculty as resources to the cradle of government. It could help bring millions of dollars to FAMU...between him Corrine Brown, Meek, and the Rattler in Atlanta we increase our access and sture and our productivity.
ReplyDeleteHe without blemish, then let he/she cast the first stone.
ReplyDeleteCapital Hill is full of individuals who have secrets and blemishes, however, we'll take a blemished Trent Lott, Newt Gingrich, Dick Cheney and even your prezy and give them a chance.
Alcee Hastings deserves an opportunity/chance as well.
Hell, the blood of thousands is not on his hands and he has served on this committee for ten years, w/o leaking a secret to Buchanan.
11/20/2006 10:46 PM
Minimum qualificatins for this position is that one must be a US congressperson. I believe that Hastings meets the minimum.
Such self-hatred. White folks lie, steal and cheat everyday on the hill. Some even molest children and people still give them an opportunity to play.
ABSCAM - ever heard of that?
Click here -
Why is Allen Boyd on the side of the folks opposing Hastins?
ReplyDeleteThat was a good point someone made about access. And to bring it home, we need a university president who will walk the halls of congress and take advantage of that access.
ReplyDeleteHow is the presidential search going, anyway?
Can you say, "Blue Dog Democrat!"
ReplyDeleteLet this blogger throw in her two cents worth, for all it's worth. Do not expect brother Alc. to throw anything this way in terms of looking out for FAMU. Yes, he's a graduate of the university's old law school, and yes, perhaps he might initiate, propose and urge federal $$ and legislation this way, but I doubt very seriously that the position that many of you are all railing about he get, well, regardless of the man's qualifications, what has he done (for us)lately?
ReplyDeleteWhat have we asked him to do lately?
ReplyDeleteIf he's a public servant, should there be a need for his constituents to ask. I would think that a man in his position would know; it's not like the man's from Mars and has no inkling of the people's needs. Why is it that we have to beg and scrape and claw for whatever all the time. He knows what needs there are. I would think that in his position he would make proposals, commence initiatives and bring such to the table. There would, therefore, be no need to "ask."
ReplyDeleteI ain' asked the man to do nothing for me. Maybe other folks have, but I ain' tried to go there with an extended hand.
ReplyDeleteThere are several old sayings, like:
ReplyDelete-An open mouth gets fed
-A squeaky wheel gets the grease
Never assume that someone is ready to throw money at you just because they know you. You need to ask for what you want, and ask for it in a way that gives the legislator a way to build support for your cause.
how do you Alcee has not done anything for FAMU or its alumni...Moreover, with a chairmanship and beeing in the majority it becomes easier for Alcee to bring home the bacon. For all all but 2 years Alcee has been in Congress he wasn't even in the majority. The tap is now open as long as we FAMU put a credible ability and need before hopefully our new decision maker Alcee. Moreover, have you looked at Hastings record and how it supports the common/black man) By the way so does FAMu...perhaps they have the same constituencies. You guys can always find a reason to try and Sh!t on progress. Seek and you shall find, ask and you shall know knock and the door shall be open. So if FAMU steps up
ReplyDeleteTo the previous blogger, I think your point would be better received if it was not riddled with misspellings and grammatical errors.
ReplyDeleteaHasting brings shame upon the FAMU community. He does not represent us! He shouldn't be in Congress let alone the chair of intelligence.
ReplyDeletewhen you look at Mr. Hasting's accomplishments, that gives the truest measure for how qualified he is for the appointment. Accusations of misconduct and rhetoric about past proceedings don't have that much merit. Mr. Hastings has a history of doing his job well, and that's the most important thing. Does anyone have any 'proof' that Mr. Hastings has not done his job well? If not, then let's come together and not only support our own, but a qualified, competent man. Does anyone think they can step in and do his job any better
If he can get a legitimate security clearance he should get the job.
ReplyDeleteIf his background check disqualifies him, he should step down.
Congress should be held to the same laws as the rest of us.
It is sad that so very many persons who make comments on this Blog are mean-spirited, vulgar, and partially educated. It is a sad, sad, day and a telling commentary on the future of African America, when persons who have had some college experience, cannot spell correctly; cannot comment without using vulgarities; and appear to have a deep-seated resentment and down-right hatred of African Americans who are trying to make a positive contribution to human culture. It is really, really sad.
ReplyDelete^^^Stop drinking the Kool-aide. Just because he is black and from FAMU doesn't mean we shouldn't criticize him. He is a terrible representative. It is sad that people like him continually get elected by constituents who don't demand better because they think such corruption is normal and acceptable.
ReplyDeleteHastings was tried and acquitted of a crime. Afterward, he was impeached by the House of Representatives under a resolution introduced by John Conyers, and then tried and convicted of high crimes and misdemeanors by the Senate, and as a result was removed from office. The Senate had the option but did not exercise it to bar him from all further federal service.
ReplyDeleteGiven the impeachment and subsequent conviction, a fair case can be made that Hastings has been corrupt. The question is not whether he should be allowed to serve as chair of the intelligence committee but whether he should be able to serve on it at all.