Hazing charges dropped against band members

da rattler
The FAMUAN reports that the state has dropped charges against all four members of the FAMU Marching 100 who were accused of hazing earlier this semester.

he State Attorney's Office declined to prosecute James Wheeler, 21, Dontay Douglas, 21, Kenneth Sparks, 20, and Kristoffer Busby, 21, because there was no probable cause.

"(State Attorney William N.) Meggs told the FAMU assistant chief that after examining the cases, he believed that there was not sufficient probable cause to arrest the defendants for the charges," according to documents obtained by the FAMUAN.

There remains no probable cause for arrest on any of these cases," the documents stated. "It could have fallen under the battery statute because they were hit on the behind with paddles," Meggs said. "But if you consent to being hit on the behind by a paddle, it's not battery. As far as we are concerned, the criminal investigation is closed."

The campus judicial system will now look into the charges.

Band members arrested

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  1. Thanks for posting during my morning coffee. You are the best!

  2. CastHell and Liz at it again.

    Get ready for another lawsuit against FAMU.

  3. ^^^^^^

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