The Captial Outlook Editor/Publisher recently sat down with Barbara Thompson, Ph.D., president of the FAMU chapter of the United Faculty of Florida, and Bill Tucker, Ph.D., the chapter’s chief negotiator, for a wide-ranging conversation on the state of affairs at FAMU.
While Mr. Wilson seems to believe that a new President will restore order, RN would go even further and add a new Board of Trustees.
Read Mr. Wilson's "Against the Grain" column here: New president will restore order at FAMU
Right. From Interim to New President. Who is the BOT and Rosy fooling. We need the whole house exterminated.
ReplyDeleteThese BOT members will hunt for another IP look-a-like for a replacement of the Brand New Used IP that we have. Rosy was gong-ho on getting rid of Gainous and now look who we have.
We are now stuck with Rosy's former best friend, we ain't speaking because he/she won't listen, can't get-r-done, or find the missing surplus Interim President for 8 years Castell Vaughn Bryant.
Same story, different face. Mark my words, we will not be getting a new president anytime soon. Our Get-R-Done girlfriend ain't finished yet.
All of 'em needs to go!
you know that FAMU will have a better president and style of governance after Castell leaves... b/c if we don't we're screwed.
ReplyDeleteCastell has no intention of leaving any time soon. Challis Lowe and W. George Allen are working on a way to help her stay put in the president's chair.
ReplyDeleteAmen to that.
And if CVB doesn't get out of Dodge in March, Lord help us one and all. We're in humongous trouble. Why folks just won't do right? What's so difficult about doing the right thing? It's so much effort to continuously do bad and horrible and terrible and horrendous things. Why won't we just go on and right things. Why must sh*t be so d*mn difficult. How much "power" over an organization does a person need in order to feel superior to the underlings? Apparently, twenty-six months of superior behavior. Twenty-six plus.
ReplyDeleteIs it true that Barbara Thompson is "writing" some kind of "book" about the fiascos at FAMU? I heard that it's called "Fixing FAMU." Now, I ain' got no qualms 'bout folks writing books if they're qualified, but what's up with the physical education teacher penning a book about anything other than PE? Come on, now. This is a bit much. Somebody tell me that this ain' even true.
ReplyDeleteThe article from Capital Outlook is super-duper scary. CWB does not understand lame-duck, just duck (for the faculty that is). This course of action does nothing more than ask faculty to leave in mass. We have kept track of student numbers. What has happened to faculty numbers since her reign of terror?
ReplyDeleteanyone who can read or write can write a book if that's your heart's desire...why can't Dr.Thompson? some folks are just to damn judgemental for their own good. Yes the Fixin' Famu book is true...wouldnt believe it myself if I didnt see the publisher's at the Miami Book fair showcasing it...so hot you could feel the heat off the press. I think the books going for $12.95. the Publishe ris Cy-press or something to that effect, right out of Tallahassee.
ReplyDeleteI beg to differ that "anyone who can read or write can write a book." Bookstores are filled with books that self-publishers have thrown together because someone told them, the "writer", that they could read or write, therefore they could indeed pen a book. Whatever Thompson has written can, for the most part, be gathered up in the collection of the Capital Outlook. What organization, benefit is the money going to? Folks from out or the city of Tallahassee and/or those in-town folk may buy this book, but people associated with the university community will, for the most part, let it slide. Maybe the book's proceeds will help "fix FAMU." I doubt it, though. And I playa hatin', but very few people have the skills to pen an intelligent book about the tribulations that have beset the university. I'm just wondering if she has the skills. Just because people plunk down $$ for a product does not mean that it's worth the price of the ticket. Yhompson might get your money, but girlfriend won't get mine. Holla.
ReplyDeleteCast-hell and Jim Corbin-hater should remember what their mama's taught them..."what goes around, comes around."
ReplyDeleteCastell and Jim Corbin should remember what goes around come back around to them. They both have much to give in account for in the destruction of FAMU.
ReplyDelete"Just because people plunk down $$ for a product does not mean that it's worth the price of the ticket. Yhompson might get your money, but girlfriend won't get mine."
ReplyDeleteWho GAF about WHERE the money is going ... Just WHO in the h#ll does she think is really gonna PAY any money to buy some book about "Fixing FAMU"?
If Dr. Barbara Thompson should stick to Physical Education, then Castell DAMN should have stuck with training people for a vocation, with her EDDDDD degree from Nova in Vocational Education.
ReplyDeleteDr. Thompson knows a whole lot more about higher education, shared governance, and issues affecting faculty rights then Castell will ever know. She has earned that right which has been acknowledged by the Academy (full tenured professor). No one gave her tenure, unlike Vivian Hobbs. She is a published professor in professional journals and respected by her peers. Remember she was selected to served as UFF president.
Unlike Castell who was appointed as IP (by the Five Cabal), as well as Debra Austin who was appointed as Provost, Vivian Hobbs and the list goes on.
Anonymous said... "Just because people plunk down $$ for a product does not mean that it's worth the price of the ticket. Yhompson might get your money, but girlfriend won't get mine."
You sound like one of those folks who approved of the $100,000 Castell has spent on self-promoting herself with the likes of publications such as "300 Days into the Light", flying all over Florida with tax payers monies meeting with editorial boards spreading diseased lies like Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) against FAMU, a consultant on a $25,000 retainer (plus all expenses paid) from Detroit, MI and the $8M surplus.
No one could do any worst than these folks and their lies.
ReplyDeleteA book by Castell retelling the Cabal's monstrous, poisonous deceit would be a number 1 seller.
Yeah, but just because a book is a number #1 best seller, doesn't necessarily mean it's worth jack. Plenty books are #1s, but whose list are they on? I won't purchase the book, b/c what's in the book, you can read for free elsewhere, and I'm a serious reader. Just ause folks writing doesn't mean that what they're writing is worth reading. Forget that BT is tenured. Plenty folk are tenured who got that way when the standards weren't high at all. I earned tenure several years ago, and I earned every bit of going through the process. Tenure is different for people in different disciplines. I know VH "earned" tenure during her buddy's interim presidency. And another thing: spend your money on BT's book, but you can also read it free by researching the same thing, that is, if you have the knowledge and energy to research. I care where the $$ goes, and if it's not going to some productive agency--not BT's pocket or anyone associated with BT, then, hey, pluck your $$ down if you wish.
ReplyDeleteTo: 1: 34---It's not that CVB doesn't "know" these things: faculty rights, shared governance, etc. It's just that CVB doesn't give a blip. Just because BT knows, does that mean she cares? In order to present a position, you oughts to know what the argument and/or logic is. Be informed or STFU.
ReplyDeleteEither Castell is just plan ole ignorant (because she understands shared governance, etc.) or you don't understand logic, because you argument is one of the misinformed when it comes to Castell.
BTW, have you read the book?
I don't think that 1:36's argument is misinformed when it comes to CVB. I think CVB does, in fact, know what faculty rights are and shared governance is. What I think CVB is suffering from a syndrome called DGaF (that's Don't Give a **ck). I believe the woman does know. But why should she care? I was up close and personal with her one time, after a meeting (during the time of the SBI 8), and I actually heard her say that she is retired, she gets her social security and pension. This, on tope of the FAMU salary--after that $80 bonus. My point, which I am inclined to say that the blogger is suggesting is that the woman simply has no reason to care about the welfare of others. She's got hers, so why would anyone else's financial or security situation make her any difference. Yes, she knows the deal. But knowing and giving a flip are two separate entities. I think you may indeed have misunderstood that blogger's response. CVB is not ignorant of anything.Just like OJ: "I know these things but why should I care what anyone thinks?"