RN sources both at the Tallahassee airport and on campus confirmed yesterday that Mrs. Thompson arrived in Tallahassee on Sunday and was picked up by Liz McBride. Thompson had dinner that evening with McBride and Castell and was provided with a list of possibile questions.
See: Dr. Thompson's published schedule
[i][b]... "And your point IS?"[/i][/b]
ReplyDeleteIf you don't know what the point is you need to go back to middle school!
ReplyDeleteApparently, you didn't grasp reading with comprehesion!
how about elementary school. Ray Charles is dead and he can see the point from the grave.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDelete[i][b]... "And your point IS?"[/i][/b]
Obviously on the top of your head. Even Stevie Wonder can see that "coaching" a candidate vying for university president by a sitting resident and her cronies is CHEATING, especially if it's not done for ALL candidates. What a moron.
And go learn how to use HTML tags.
Was this done for the other finalists? If not, then there is a BIG problem here. Someone who may legitimately be a strong candidate will look like one of Bryant's cronies (which is NEVER a good thing)... Just my two pennies.
ReplyDeleteWow. If you need coaching, you don't need the job.
ReplyDeleteThelma Thompson did not have the Energy during her interviews, it takes to come to FAMU and be successful. Liz McBride just wants a job to continue to cover-up her incompetence. RN is right on target because other concerned FAMU supporter from other parts of the City noticed this as well. The Airport is a public facility and we all have a right to know why Liz picked her up and not any other candidates. This is interesting because Liz is still employed by FAMU as the General Counsel. Who can she advise to follow the law. OKAY! She seems to have "moral and ethical issues.
ReplyDeleteWow! She had coaching...
ReplyDeleteDidn't even notice.
I felt she was still in the back wind of Ammons.
There is still no competition!
anonymous 12:31, apparently you don't grasp spelling.
ReplyDeleteRN is out to get Castell and whoever is not Ammons. Let Famu have Ammons. A few more years of this soap opera is just what I need. Bring us back to the mountain top Ammons because we have sure been in the valley. I can see those glory days of when Mr. Hump had a blank check and no oversight.
Another thing why do all of FAMU's leaders speak with such a religious tone. A preacher is even on the board! This place reminds me more of a gossipy church than a unversity, hey but that is why I love it.....the entertainment that comes out of the institution is unbelievable! Keep it up RN I don't know what I would do without you!
This is an absolute mess. Why can't they just say that it's time to go? The vacation was fun while it lasted, but know it's over.
ReplyDeleteOne can almost tell that this entire team was going through on the job training. They found great pride in just the little accomplishment.
In fact, all of the big accomplishments happened via serendipity. It seems that they had little to do with arranging and lobbying for the Black Enterprise kudos, the Super Bowl, the Grammy etc.
When this end?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...1/23/2007 3:02 PM
Whatever Rufus or Vincent! Just brush off that resume.
Another thing why do all of FAMU's leaders speak with such a religious tone. A preacher is even on the board!
ReplyDelete...and. Look who's running the republican agenda.
i saw ammons dressed up like dr. hump. in fact i saw dr. hump with him. does he have a twin! wait they were at the airport, yea the airpot....i love it! dr. hump picked him up in a big black caddy. they both were wearing shades and spoke in some ancient language, and then they prayed towards mecca, they are not even christians...oh my god!!!!...blah blah balh
ReplyDeleteDr. Johnson coming from a big university will bring a new freshness needed for FAMU to grow into a big university.
ReplyDeleteIt is very sad to see the cronies continue all over FAMU.Many times FAMU makes decisions based on friendships and not qualifications.
Yada, yada, yada! And I saw Rufus and Vincent dressed up like Castell. LOL
ReplyDeleteAnd Castell and Liz dressed up like Rufus and Vincent.
LOL! Stop throwing rocks Vinnie.
ReplyDeleteMany times FAMU makes decisions based on friendships and not qualifications.
Everyone makes decisions based on friendships "and then" qualifications.
White and Black. Big University and Small University. You are a little "green" if you believe that FAMU has an monopoloy on cronyism. Look at Florida States Coaching decisions.
This is just what happens when decisions that matter are made.
What big university? UNT is at the bottom of the 6 tier Texas system.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous at 1/23/2007 3:22 PM
You tell'em. Yeah, what about Bobby and 'nim?
The people playing games with the future of this great institution will soon realize that some things can become so broken that they can't be fixed. I truly hope that FAMU will not have a HUMPTY DUMPTY result.
ReplyDeleteAmmons is "bright" and will have a great future whether he is at FAMU, NCCU or any other Institution of higher learning. Dr. Humphries was successful at FAMU, TSU, and NSF. Can we say that about Cassie and Co? They came to steal, kill, and destroy. However, their end has finally come and we can see light at the end of this "NIGHTMARE".
ReplyDelete3:02--Before you get to calling folks on their spelling, you might want to check your own sentence constructions and writing. There are too many mis-constructions in your own post for you to get snippy with other posters. For the most part, what folks post here are simply commentaries about the subject. They're all typing fast, I presume, and are not paying particular attention to the keyboard as they type. One of your glaring errors is in the use of "mountain top." Mountaintop is a compound word and is therefore written as a single word. Clean up your own act before you close the curtain on someone else's. We're all just trying to have a dialogue here. No one's grading anyone. You might just want to invest in a basic grammar handbook. (That's "handbood," compound, not "hand book" as you would no doubt write it.)
ReplyDeleteWhy are Castell & Co. so concerned about giving Thompson extra help? Do they not think she can stand on her own two legs? Do they have some vested interest in making sure that Thompson gets the presidency? Have deals already been cut?
ReplyDeleteMy previous post, a typo-----"hand book," not "hand bood." I stand corrected.
ReplyDeleteanonymous 4:18....dialogue? a bit elementary and petty, but hey this is famu! ha ha ha!
ReplyDeletefamu is about to become third tier university. this is not a bad thing. it will force famu to concentrate on giving an undergraduate education to it's students. which it is failing miserably at now.
ReplyDeleteThird tier IS a bad thing for FAMU. It means that we lose all our masters and doctoral programs. That means no law school, no pharmacy school, no MBA, and Ph.D. programs of any type.
ReplyDeleteThis is not the time to sit down and be passive. It's time to fight for the continued existence of our university.
Furthermore, FAMU is not failing miserably in undergraduate education. Our undergraduate programs have all received unqualified reaffirmation from our accrediting body (SACS) every year. Our graduation rate could be improved, but the real problem is that many FAMU students drop out because they don't have enough money to pay rising tuition costs.
Don't let the propaganda from those who don't think HBCUs can handle reseearch and graduate education mislead you. We've come too far to go back now!
Tell me you're kidding.
ReplyDeleteWell, she could have the best "coach" when it comes to interviewing, but if her qualifications don't match up to the competition, it's all for naught.
She just spent 2 extra days in a country town, being coached by a substitute president.
-She was coached by Cast-Hell=$1.50
ReplyDelete-Dinner w/McBride & Cast-Hell=$75
-Christmas card from Bill Gates=$5
-Still the worse candidate of the three finalists = PRICELESS
excuses excuses excuses.....you are failing miserably and famu needs to refocus it's energy to give it's students a quality education. a tiered system is not bad. ask ammons he comes from one on north carolina. money is an issue, but what is also an issue is excepting under qualified students just to boost your enrollment numbers to get state funding. a sign in itself the quality of education does not matter, but the cash money to fund your research programs does at the sacrifice of your undergrad student body.
ReplyDeleteSomebody explain this to me. Thompson has a perfectly good job, where the people have BEGGED her not to leave, right? Why then would she keep her name in contention for a job where the alumni and faculty have said, "we want someone else?"
ReplyDeleteWouldn't the honorable thing be to withdraw? Why try to force yourself into a new situation when you're going gangbusters, achieving unprecedented goals and loved by all at the current place of employment? Given the great love the people of Maryland have of her performance, shouldn't she be next in line for the big chair in College Park, MD?
You folks have not read Dr. Thompson's Vitae. Her qualifications are heads and shoulders above evrybody commenting on this board or the other candidates
ReplyDeleteYou crack me up. Head and shoulders and all she could come up with for her campus visit was the Alphabet Soup Song.
ReplyDeleteYou're kidding right?
You folks have not read Dr. Thompson's Vitae. Her qualifications are heads and shoulders above evrybody commenting on this board or the other candidates
ReplyDeleteYou are DELUSIONAL! UMES is nothing but a high school with practically no foundation and no research.
Dr. Ammons has built the NCCU foundation sky high. He's also enhanced enrollment by the thousands. NCCU does far more research and fundraising than UMES or UT Denton.
You are not living in reality.
Ammons went through the battle over the "tier" system once. He knows the workings of the FL SUS (although a lot of the personality dynamics have changed) and would be ready to take up the cause against making FAMU a lower tier institution. That appears to be a lot more that what the current administration can say they've done.
ReplyDeleteMaclay School in Tallahassee has a larger endowment than UMES...and it's a high school!
ReplyDeleteBill Gates sent a Christmas Card, but didn't send anything in it!
If he didn't give UMES at least a million $ gift why would she even mention a christmas card?
Anon, 7:07--The posts are dialogue. No one said whether they are good, bad or ugly. People just want to speak (or, in this cyber case, write) what they are feeling about a certain topic. If everything's so "elementary," why are YOU here and why are YOU adding to the commentary? Apparently, you like it here.
ReplyDeleteAn enhanced enrollment doesn't necessarily mean that the students are any better than a lower enrollment. You folk are not teaching in the classroom, so this business about more students doesn't always sit straight with me. Many students who come to college should go and take a trade somewhere and not waste their time, their $$, our time and theuniversty's time in the investment. Just because a student has a high school diploma does not necessarily translate into the students being ready for college work. Sometimes we just simply have to call a spade a spade. Until you've tried and tried and tried with many of these college students to make things work for them and things don't work, well, adding more students isn't necessarily the answer.
ReplyDelete4:18pm -If you were doing your job and not on RN, maybe some things could be resolved. -Students
ReplyDelete10:56am- Te tiered system also requires that the top schools drop enrollment. Did ANY of the "top" schools do that here in Florida. NO! In fact the enrollment was pushed to get MORE MONEY! Check the numbers since 1998.
ReplyDelete10:56- Underqualified students, huh. What about the legacies elsewhere. I bet you think that you'd pass the FCAT in the 90th percentile. It is MUCH more of a war than you think for us. DON'T think for a minute that you should have a say in this battle of ours. Clearly you speak like a NON-(AA, FAMUan) Oh, Maybe its the MONEY. That is how most of those hating people are. Show the money and you'll bend over backwards and some!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the information age 4:26pm. This is where you may need to go back and learn how to teach this type of student. Besides, if you're not doing research, you should be TEACHING! Not just instructing and looking down on the very ones you're paid and ENTRUSTED to inspire the love of learning at this and the next level. If you have the chops- (if even necessary) to PROFESS at another intstiution- then please do so. It's time to stop the bleeding, mend- and grow. I know several, scores of people who have commenced at other institutions and were definitely not as bright as some of the students you speak of here at FAMU. Key is for some , go where you go under the radar, or where you ARE the TOKEN or coveted ATHLETE. Get the paper that everyone is talking about and run off into the world never having to prove yourself because your school of choice spent a lot of money and time making a brand name for itelf so that its constitutnts would never be questioned. We need to register all stakeholders and get ready for the next battle. The Trojan Horse in within the Gates at A&M. Time to fight like hell- wtih a plan of course. - A Few Concerned Students