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da rattler
FAMU search committee members are meeting now ( at 3p.m.) in a conference call to discuss how to proceed on Feb. 1. On the call are Trustees Holmes, Dialo, Agnew, Lowe, Branker, Jenkins, officials from the Hollins group and Liz McBride.

RN will update you all on what went down.


It was decided that on Feb. 1, all trustees will interview each of the three remaining finalist for 2-2.5hrs each. While a candidate is being interviewed the other two candidates wil be held in a holding room.

After all candidates are interviewed, the trustees will take a vote on the who should be the next FAMU president. The candidate with the most votes is it. That vote, however, will not be ratified until the March 8th BOT meeting. However, trustees are free to begin negotiating a salary and contract with the next president. That contract cannot be signed until the March 8th or after.

At some point, the Board of Governors must approve the BOT nominee.

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  1. damn you guys are on it like white on rice.

  2. Like unearned bonus money in Castell's pockets.

  3. Has anyone calculated the interest gained on a 10 million surplus that in fact didn't exist. I am curious to know that opportunity cost.

  4. RN, you folks are on it. Keep up the work. We depend on you to keep us informed. Thanks for your good work.

  5. On the call, Challis Lowe and Liz McBride were doing everything in their power to try and slow the vote down. R.B. Holmes kept pushing for the final vote to be on February 1st.

    Many trustees mentioned that they have been bombarded with phone calls supporting a particular candidate. The implication was that the pro-Ammons supporters are really hitting the trustees hard. This comes after trustee contact information was distributed at the FAMU NAA Winter Retreat and via NAA emails.

    Keep up those calls!


  7. Yeah, it was quite a contentious meeting. But we didn't really want to get into all that. Tension was definitely high.

  8. Yes, we want them out right now. Cassie, Liz, Janie, Altha, Rufus, June, Austin and the rest of the do nothing, filled with lies gang. They will be gone and forever forgotten.

  9. Board of Trustees discuss voting specifics

    Carnell Hawthorne Jr.
    The FAMUan
    Posted: 1/25/07

    Members of the board of trustees met today in a telephoned conference call to discuss how the Feb 1. meetings with each presidential finalist would be performed.

    Trustee R. B. Holmes, Jr., co-chair for the board, presided over what turned out to be a tense discussion about how final proceeding in voting would be conducted.

    "I propose that the candidates be held in a holding room, so that they aren't able to hear the answers that the other candidates are giving," said Chair Challis Lowe."

    Disagreement arose on about whether questions to the candidates should be made public to any of the finalists, trustees or the public before the proceeding.

    Trustee Mary Diallo took the side of those who wanted the questions to be open to members of the board.

    She emphasized that presenting the questions to the candidates before the proceeding would offer an "equal playing ground."

    However, other members disagreed.

    "I think it would be an atrocity for any of this information to be leaked in any way," said Trustee Leerie Jenkins.

    A representative from the Hollins Group search firm gave an explanation why it would be beneficial to keep all questions private.

    "The board could submit questions to the candidates; the only issue would be the lost of spontaneity."

    There was also debate on whether an official vote would be decided on Feb. 1 or later.

    Diallo recommended a motion that the full board's selection of the new president be voted upon on Feb. 1 only if all board members were provided with all "necessary and pertinent information" about the candidates in order to make a decision.

    The board did come to a agreement on the issue, siding that that motion would be granted. For now, the decision is planned to be made on or before March 8.

    Kimberlee Borland, liaison to the board, is current working on a schedule that will be presented to the public outlining campus visits that will take place on Jan. 26-29 at each candidates' respective university.

    For more information and updates on the meeting, pick up a copy of Friday's issue of the Famuan, or stay informed online for updates.

  10. It is going to be funny when Rattler Nation turns against the new president within 6 months too...LOL You fucking niggas are treacherous

  11. No, I don't think that will be the case. The only niggas I know for sure are Cassie and Company. Once they are gone RN will report the real truth and not those make-up lies Castell staged to make herself seem like the "Fixer of FAMU". What turned out is that she tried her best to destroy the good work that had been done in the past to bring FAMU the numerous recognitions of the 80's and 90's. Go Figure!!!

  12. the numerous recognitions were an illusion. a solid school does not fall from the mountain top sooooo fast.

  13. Dr. Ammons can not come on board fast enough. FAMU needs a leader who is not only competent but has the solid support of the major stakeholders. Grade the man as the number one man at a comparable institution like NCCU and not as the number two man at FAMU. The Buck stopped at Ammons' desk in NCCU and not at FAMU. A small school like UMESU is not comparison.

    I pray that the BOT does not try to give us an arranged marriage with some one who we don't know and want and then hope we fall in love. later on. That's not going to happen. None do I hope we are given a president who is pass social security age. Dah!

    What's up with Howard Johnson being fired from UTN?

  14. Ammons is the only candidate that can rally the major stakeholders (who have all endorsed his candidacy by the way) at once and get back FAMU back to "Excellence with Caring."

    This "Excellence all ways, always" needs to go with the crew who thought it up.

    So if the only stakeholder that doesn't endorse Ammons is the BOT what happens? Will the RN allow another travesty to be dealt to our beloved institution?

    They got us with Gainous...then Cast-Hell...

  15. What's up with the law school?

  16. they are going to get u with ammons too. he was part of the problem back when he and the humpster allowed the train to run off the tracks!

  17. the law school? it is in total choas and a waste of taxpayers money!

  18. Anonymous said...they are going to get u with ammons too. he was part of the problem back when he and the humpster allowed the train to run off the tracks! 1/27/2007 7:45 AM


    Right and the $10M is a surplus; the enrollment has increased; faculty salaries are on the rise; the Law School is accredited; the College of Pharmacy is accredited without provisions; and we finally hired people employed by FAMU and not KPMG to do our books.

    Wake up Chuck, June and Rufus, Rome is burning and you too will be running through the Set butt nekid.

  19. rome is burning and bringing back ammons won't help, in fact he is the one who set it on fire, along with humpty hump!

  20. blaming current problems on a past mismanagement is wrong. you can't blame castell and co. alone, but hey that is easy and takes blame off a time when you all thought famu was number 1. get was all smoke and mirrors! good things did happen, but the foundation was decaying and underqualified students enrolled at the sacrifice of students who believed in famu...what a tragedy.

  21. ^^^^
    How about you climb back under the slimey rock you slithered from under Rufus, Chuck and June. Remember you were their during FSH's tenure, so what does that say about you?

    Castell's mantra ('05) in the beginning was DC: during Castell. She acknowledged that there were problems, however, unlike her predecessor she would be responsible, accountable and take care of her business.

    Well you know she's blamed everyone, and has done absolutely nothing to solve the problems. Just look around.

  22. Time for AC, and I don't mean air conditioning. After Castell can't get here fast enough.

  23. Why don't Rufus, June and Co drive Miss Daisy (Castell) right out of town, right now. They are the biggest cloud of "do nothings" ever to invade FAMU. Ninety percent (90%) of the community, students and alumni want this gang busted and gone. Just leave!!!!!!

  24. 9:30pm I bet you didn't think that your solid Pres. Bush would be where he is now either. If all things you deem legit were solid at your school of choice, salaries would be low and less employees would be necessary. And oh, cut those athletic programs and see how "SOLID" they are. Come with solutions you hater!

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