Finalists come to campus

da rattler
The three finalists for the FAMU presidency will be on campus for interviews beginning Jan. 16, when Thelma Thompson, president, University of Maryland-Eastern Shore, will be on campus. On Jan. 17, Howard Johnson, provost, University of North Texas, will be visiting and on Jan. 18, James Ammons, chancellor, North Carolina Central University, will be visiting. The following is a schedule for each day's interviews. Specific locations for each event have yet to be determined.

8-9 a.m. - breakfast, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering

9:15-9:45 a.m. - campus tour

10-noon - meet with faculty (Thompson)

10-11 a.m. - meet with president's Cabinet and deans (Johnson, Ammons)

11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. - meet with administrative staff (Johnson, Ammons)

12:15-1:30 p.m. - lunch with students (Thompson)

12:30-1:45 p.m. - lunch with students (Johnson, Ammons)

1:45-2:45 p.m. - meet with president's Cabinet and deans (Thompson)

2-4 p.m. - meet with faculty (Johnson, Ammons)

4:15-5:15 p.m. - meet with alumni

5:30-6:30 p.m. - meet with advisory committee and community leaders
6:45-7:15 p.m. - exit briefing with search-committee representatives

7:30 p.m. - dinner with search-committee representatives

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  1. Change that "meet with alumni" to "meet with financially contributing alumni". Meeting any other type of alum is a waste of time.

    Secondly, I just want to say:

    Bricker bracker fire cracker
    siss boom bah
    Jim Ammons Jim Ammons
    rah rah rah!!!

  2. LOL and a thumbs up @ the cheer!! ;-)

    And as a "financially contributing alumni", I have zero interest in meeting any candidate except Jim Ammons. Meeting any of the others would be a waste of MY time...

  3. I think they should skip meeting with the administrative staff. The existing adm staff should be out the door with Castell (eg; Greenleaf, Manning, Austin, McBride, Little and the rest of them). The New President: James Ammons will come with his own adm staff.

  4. The New President: James Ammons will come with his own adm staff.

    A few more adjectives are needed there. He will come in with a staff of competent, proven leaders who represent true Rattler work ethic!

    And my kudos to the cheer, as well. It's pretty damn addictive!

  5. Why are Rattlers so afraid of change? New ideas are needed. This constant rotation of Rattlers in the presidency is ridiculous. FAMU needs to get out of that mindset. Advancement will not occur otherwise!!!!!

  6. Bricker bracker fire cracker
    siss boom bah
    Jim Ammons Jim Ammons
    rah rah rah!!!

    Wow. I didn't know people from the 50s knew how to use the Internet. LOL just kidding.
    That cheer's gonna be in my head all day. Too addictive.

  7. 1/08/2007 2:06 PM

    Ammons is change. Change from Gainous, change from Castell. He is his own "man". He has a track record.

    People do not fear change. People desire/ hope for improvement, correct direction. Ammons of the many nominated folk appears to any unbiased person to be #1.

    Why do you fear Ammons?

    Don't you want the best person for the job. If it is Ammons would you say no, choose the lesser person?

  8. Roosevelt Wilson just wrote an on-point op-ed in the Outlook on this topic. He said that the trustees need to vote FOR the best person for the job. They don't need to vote AGAINST anyone.

    If you think there is someone better than James Ammons, then please make your case. But don't simply say we need to vote AGAINST Ammons because he is FAMU alumnus and former FAMU administrator. That is not a well-reasoned argument by any stretch of the imagination.

  9. I'm a faculty member at FAMU. I came under Humphries' administration, and I remember much of the anti-faculty agenda set and carried out under the Humphries/Ammons. while Ammons may appear to be the best, credential-wise and rhetoric-wise, he may not necessarily be the best when it comes to looking out for the rights of faculty members who, traditionally, have been treated worse than dirt. I love the institution, have a degree from there, but I'm not too anxious to see Ammons back inthe saddle again.

  10. As provost James Ammons led the charge to raise FAMU to the level of a research university. He helped raise millions in research grants, added numerous doctoral programs, and made sure that all academic disciplines strictly adhered to accreditation requirements. He was also a strong advocate of shared governance and due process for all faculty members.

    But like any position of major responsibility, the job of provost required many hard decisions. Ammons was adamant about enforcing the research requirements for tenure. This alienated a number of faculty members who didn't make the cut and wanted special exceptions. Still, there were many more faculty members who rose to the challenge and produced at least the minimum number of publications needed for permanent employment.

    Don't let the naysayers fool you. The majority of FAMU faculty are in favor of Ammons. Many faculty senators are lobbying hard for him. In fact, the Faculty Senate voted to support the decision to make him finalist for presidency. Many Faculty Union members are also working hard to promote Ammons' candidacy.

    Ammons is the pro-faculty, pro-research presidential candidate. He has the experience, the credentials, and credibility to come in and take this university to a new level.

  11. 11:52------are you now or were you then, when Ammons was provost---a faculty member? if you are not, then I dare say you don't know what you're talking about. just how many faculty members have you spoken with who are gung-ho about Ammons' return to campus? I can assure you, there are more who wish that he would stay where he is than there are who wish his return. I totally agree with poster 10:54.

  12. The BOT can hire my teenage sister to become the next president of the university. Anybody is better than Castell Bryant. She can't get gone soon enough.

  13. 1/10/2007 12:30 AM asked for faculty input - here's my 20 years worth. Ammons is by far our best choice. Not perfect, for sure, but head and shoulders above the others.

  14. as a fromer faculty member and current employee I concur with 7:43AM. Time away from FAMU seems to have improved and solidified Ammons leadership ability. when it boils down to it, leadership characteristics and abilities are what we are lacking and in desperate need of.

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