Gillum coasts to victory in SGA election

da rattler
Monique Gillum was elected SGA President. Gillum, who currently serves as SGA VP, won victory by a wide margin defeating Cryah Hawkins.

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  1. Congrats to Monique and James! Substance WINS AGAIN!

  2. It was rigged

  3. How was it rigged, if the margin was so gigantic?

  4. Maybe that is why the margin was so big! Lets use our brains here kid.

  5. Sounds like someone is crying over spilled milk.

  6. Please. There are no losers in this election. Unless you have factual information regarding a "Rig" this please be quiet.

    Great job to all candidates for running a good campaign.

  7. When your line sisters and frat brothers are counting votes, elections tend to be rigged.

  8. I agree. I'm sorry that people can't accept the fact that everyday students want to get involved in SGA on a higher level than just a volunteer. But hey, 1 time for the greeks. It was rigged.

  9. The fact that your favored candidate didn't win isn't evidence that the election was rigged.

    The election was over after Gillum & Bland's lopsided victory at the presidential debate.

  10. I LOVE the fact that Gullum and Bland threw low blows at the debate that you are refering to. Everyone knew that the playing field wasn't level. Like I said before, no matter what you feed me. IT WAS RIGGED

  11. Hey, are you all saying that the election was N-word, rigged? Shame on you, my brothers and sisters!

  12. Low blows or not, I know the contenders much better and gained respect for them as young men. With that on the record, I did not think that they were the best chioce for the University Student Body. If everyone on campuse were half as active, more often, there would be less of an argument about which candidate displays the most for leading the student body given the immediate future. I'm sure that those who did not run successful campaigns, know that you still may have successfully run one. I hope all will remain as active and excited about being engaged with the student body. If its genuine, substantive and pertinent-you'll run a good chance of winning. Chances are that active students tend to also have membership in several organizations as they matriculate. Try that. Get off these off-campus dorms and get involved MORE.Foster Leadership. What's really rigged is the mentality of most students on campus- get off those mobile apparati never watch BET.., EVER again-{get out of your personal video shoot}and meet, get to know another Rattler for the sake of it. Volunteer! Make connections at this great networking experience. We are the next to be running things and networks should still be tight then, because we're ALL FAMUans! Rattlers Connect! Time for a mass convention like NO other! Make sure it's thoroughly ORGANIZED!

  13. What low blows? Cyrah Hawkins couldn't even answer simple questions about the information that was own his own platform!

    Cryah said he wanted to get Pharmacy off probation. Then, when he was asked to explain why Pharmacy was on probation, he could not even give one reason!

    How can you address a problem that you are clueless about? If Cyrah had just logged on to RN or even read The FAMUan he would have been able to give an intelligent response to that question.

    While I can understand why Cyrah might have felt bad about all the snickering and laughing from the audience after that fiasco, he has no one but himself to blame. That question wasn't a low blow. That was just a classic example of what happens when you come unprepared. If that's the way he prepared for the debate, what could we expect him to do at the BOT meetings.

    The debate sealed the DEAL. No matter how much groaning you do, you can't hide the fact that Cryah and Tallie were not even remotely qualified or prepared to lead. They publicly humiliated themselves by failing to educate themselves about the jobs they were seeking.

  14. The Gillum-Bland debate victory wasn't lopsided. It was a "Coming to America"-style royal thrashing! Cryah and Tallie got flipped up and thrown down like Samuel L.

    Prior preparation prevents piss poor performance. Study a little before you stand up on stage again, Cryah. Or, else you asking for public humiliation!

  15. Ya'll need to take this over to Fridays on the set...just because someone doesn't win doesn't mean the election was rigged. Back in my day, someone won the election by 10 votes. It wasn't rigged. Folks hustle harder than other folks.

    If you think the election was rigged you can file a challenge with the Student Supreme Court


    There ya go..plenty room to discuss conspiracy theories. There are more pressing matters at FAMU rather than the SGA elections.

  17. Come on guys, Cyrah couldn't even cut it to be Mr. FAMU with his 2.8 GPA let alone be the SGA president. He needs to focus more on his books. He's majoring in political science for goodness sakes not pharmacy!!!

  18. LOL! Just for the record Our New President is also a Political Science major!

  19. Ya'll needto pary about it and get over it. Because all of this writing is not going to solve anything. The bad part is that it's Anonymous.

  20. I meant PRAY. lol

  21. is cyrah the guy whoe gpa was insufficient and he challenged the authorities about it? so what else has he run for and lost? you gotta give itto the broher, though. he ain' got a clue about what he's suppose to know and whn he's suppose to know it, but he sure a heck ain' got a prolem with jumping in a race and attempting to move forward. brother's got spunk, even if he didn't have the required gpa or was even knowledgeable about his own durn latform.he's a kid whose parents probably always encouraged him to get in the fray no matter the odds. i ain' made at him, even though i wouldn't want him to be the student representative on the Board of Trustees. That, I'm afraid, would have been a bit much, fray or no fray. He'll be back, though. A fellow like that doesn't take 'n" for an answer.

  22. "...doesn't take "no" for an answer." Please excuse all of my typos in the above post. I was typing fast, sort of, and th fingers weren't making all of the key connections--pun intended.

  23. RN,

    I see that there is another FAMU "Blog" listed in the comments here, and the banner looks much like that of RatterNation. It even refers to this site as "our leader blog." But said website seems to be much less based on facts and more on conspiracy theory, speculation and slander.

    I certainly hope that the writers of RattlerNation do not endorse or "co-sign" on the nonsense of this other blog.

  24. to the post above if you think it was so much non-sense and slander then please explain the senate meeting last night where the constitution was interpreted by the students and misinterpreted by the senate and just about every section that had to do with the constitution was broken, it'll be in the famuan tommorow because darien moses will not be commissioner, i mena under his term we had two fraudulant elections, lets be real for once if your not at the university as a whole and you didn't see what we saw then there is no need for you to comment about whats right and just

  25. Why is that site promoting or connecting the Set and Friday? What about Monday! Or, is Monday Blue- and we don't want to discuss that, do we? Let's be progressive and foster leadership, no matter what the issue.

  26. Well we need a strong person in the BOT role. I don't know Gillum, as I'm a past graduate of FAMU but from what I'm read in the past she seems really strong, politically.

  27. And the SGA-president elect got good tips from her brother, so she had her gig in order, and I ain' mad adder

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