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da rattler
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This N That...

Tallahassee Democrat sports editor Randy Beard wondered the same thing we did just a few day ago....Construction snag: "Congratulations to James Ammons for being hired as FAMU's new president. Now can someone please fill him in on the plans for the new teaching gym/basketball arena/convocation center? It's time the $28 million set aside by the state was spent on something more than blueprints and a few shovels of dirt.?

Teaching Gym timetable a mystery

Fred Humphries is cool again?

It seems that after five years of horendous lies --spread by folks who don't/didn't have FAMU's best interest at heart-- all of a sudden folks are beginning to embrace Fred Humphries again. And, realize that he wasn't the boogey man that the "Corbin/Castell clan" said he was. Check this out: TDO Black History moment

Mr. Corbin must be swallowing his tounge.

One thing is for sure, FAMU's acheivements, under Dr. Humphries' leadership, are undeniable and (so far) unmatched.

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  1. I came to FAMU in 1998. It was at that time that I found my true calling in life. FAMU help me to nuture that calling in my life. From 1998-2000 FAMU was the place to be and I believe that Fred Humpries was a big part of that. I can remember the pride that everyone felt about attending the College of Year. I can remember how everyone felt they were getting an education that was unmatched anywhere else in the country.
    I can remember being on the yard andseeing Hump come through the set shaking hands, giving hugs, and daps. You looked at this big, tall, gentle giant, and you knew that you were in the right place. He was like everyone rich gradfather that you knew had your back no matter what. Thats what a president of an HBCU should be like. All students and faculty felt a close connection to Hump even if it was at a far. Hump did things to make you proud to be in the FAMU family. Did he mess some things? Yes, I am sure there were some things that could have done better.
    I hope this is where Ammons picks up. He has the right sprit to bring stir FAMU back on to the road it was heading prior to Corbin coming on the scene. He should continue to follow Humps blueprint, but he must be better at putting the right people around him, that truly has his back.

    Hump, we a damn good president and Ammons will be just as good. The entire rattler nation must be willing to pull together to do our part in making what ever vision that Ammons have come to fruitation. Thats the sprit of family and that should be the sprit of FAMU.

  2. I echo the sentiments of anonymous 10:14 a.m. Dr. Ammons is one of the strongest Black men I have ever come into contact with at FAMU. I am pleased to call him Mr. President. He's a man of honor and integrity. When he walks into a room, you know that you are in the presence of a STRONG CHRISTIAN BLACK MAN.

    TRUE RATTLERS! Let's make sure Dr. Ammons knows he has OUR SUPPORT.

  3. Ammons will rekindle that FAMU family spirit...that's what's been missing. "Excellence with Caring" will be restored.

    Out with "Excellence all ways, always..." and those who thought that up...See Ya!

  4. Humphries was not a good man. His last few years at FAMU has lead to the school's current situation. However, he did do some good things (while sober) that were unwound a bit after the political types in the University (i.e. those fearful of change) cried wolf and got Gainous fired. After that Castell was hired, and you know the rest.

  5. You really have NOT been paying attention here. But it's ok. Ammons is here and I know that you will be in the ranks with the rest of us to get on with our mission. Major work to be done by all. I'm ready.

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