We do realize that there could be an issue in regards to the seedings. Even the sixth-best team from the Big Ten or SEC will still often get a 9 or 10 seed, which would complicate things for potential opponents. Unlike the 1-16 matchup, Teams with a 7 seed would view a 10 seed as an actual threat, and be at a disadvantage by having less time to gameplan for that opponent. But there's got to be some way to move in this direction, right? Or do you like the "play-in" format as it currently stands? What about simply reducing the at-large bids to 33, as the women's tournament did?
continue reading:
Current play-in format stinks
True ... The format stinks ...
ReplyDeleteBut - Until the MEAC collectively decides to get better from an RPI standpoint, and start playing better sports overall - and not in JUST B-Ball either - the Play-In Game looks to be the MEAC's annual calling ... Which wouldn't necessarily be such a bad thing - As long as we keep winning them!
What the MEAC NEEDS to do ... Is stop trying to portray itself as some major Tournament that's worthy of neutral site consideration ... And simply move the Tourney up a week - and play it in the arenas - or in the largest facilities - of its fellow members' respective cities!
We 're wasting our time in Raleigh trying to fool them - and ourselves - that this Tourney will draw more than the 7K-10K or so people that just about each of the member schools has a facility in their hometown - or close enough to it - to host this Event.
Put this Event on or around our respective schools grounds, and you will likely see more people support it - fans as well as both corporate partners & local businesses. PLUS - You now have a week for that Tourney Winner to prepare for whether they are headed for the Play-In Game, or got by with a #16 seeding.
To keep thinking we can compete with the CIAA Tourney is a joke. Let's take this party HOME, and let each of us showcase "Our Own Thang" to each other annually ... And THEN watch the place fill up, and interest build - And the sponsors WILL knock on our doors.
Interesting proposal. Do you have any concrete data to back up your allegations and new proposed business model? Other than North Carolina A&T State University, I'm not aware of any MEAC basketball program packing the "barn" with significant numbers. Please share the basis of your allegations. I don't believe the Division II CIAA Tournament is a factor in this equation for an opportunity to participate in the big dance.
ReplyDelete1. Increase the field from 64 to 68
ReplyDelete2. Create a real opening round.
3. Four (4) Games in the opening round.
4. No Conference Champs in the opening Round (Reward for winning your conference)
5. Last 8 at-large team battle it out to play the 1 team in each region (Their no.1 the should be able play anyone with 48 hour notice.
6. No seating in the opening round. NCAA commissioner pulls match-up out of a hat.
7. Winner of opening round games to the field of 64 NCAA Tournament, loser to the field of 32 National Invitation Tournament (NIT), with includes automatic bid to any regular-season conference champion that does not make the NCAA's field of 64.
MEAC tourney should be played in the home school of the previous year's regular season champion and moved up a week earlier.
ReplyDeleteThe MEAC tourney can't draw flies in neutral sites. At least we'll get some true local appeal having it one of our stadiums like the other small conferences.
Lastly, the Play-in scenario needs to be axed all-together. It's a joke and does nothing but single out some schools for humiliation. Nobody wants to be in it, ever. Shut it down and take away one at-large team.
I wonder if FAMU could join a different conference. It's not good enough to be the best HBCU anymore. We need to strive to be the best ... period.
ReplyDeleteThe MEAC seems to me to be a remnant of our segregationist past and perhaps it has run its course.
ACC anyone?
ReplyDeleteInteresting proposal. Do you have any concrete data to back up your allegations and new proposed business model? Other than North Carolina A&T State University, I'm not aware of any MEAC basketball program packing the "barn" with significant numbers. Please share the basis of your allegations. I don't believe the Division II CIAA Tournament is a factor in this equation for an opportunity to participate in the big dance.
Basically ...
We play out this string with Raleigh as best we can, and essentially thank them - For putting up with this 3-year "MEAC Con Job" that we can bring there what the CIAA brings ...
... And simply put the Tourney out to the Host Cities in the MEAC that have the kahunas to want to serve as its hosts to bring their proposals to the table!
Since the MEAC looks to be headed towards a North-South Divisional Format anyway, The Goal should be to alternate annually between schools in the respective divisions ... And give a school in each one the opportunity to showcase THEMSELVES - their Campuses, facilities, AND their respective communities - To their fellow MEAC Members.
How's this ...
2009 - Greensboro (A&T Host)
2010 - Norfolk (NSU/Hampton)
2011 - Daytona / Orlando (BCU) (By then the Magic might have their new Arean built!)
2012 - DC (Howard)
2013 - Orangeburg / Columbia (SCSU)
2014 - Baltimore (UMES/MSU/CSU)
2015 - The TLH ("By THEN - WE should have our New Gym built!)
2016 - Dover / Philly (DSU)
2017 - Winston Salem (WSSU)
That gives us all all the time we need to get our respective Chambers of Commerce, Hotel & Motel Associations - and our own MEAC Members - to whip their cities and campuses into shape to host this Event.
You will/"should" get THOUSANDS more in corporate support - especially among those companies interested in tapping into not only our MEAC Alumns & supporters, but also all of the specific local markets as well - but you might also start building upon the legacy of our kids using their Spring Breaks for something far more constructive than just simple "BET Spring Blings" ... If they know that "The REAL Party" will be at the MEAC Tourney, being held in "XYZ" this year!
"It's all in how you package this Mofo" ... And right now - The box this Thang is in don't look too appealing!! ... So let's shake it off, and work to make this Event into something folks will WANT to take the time to attend!
Problem is... These kids have all been raised on 25+ years of cable and ESPN. Most can't even tell you the names of TEN HBCUs, let alone the ones in this state. The assiciation with athletics has completely become a thing you do to imprss whites to get paid. Even in the high school ranks there is recruiting and they get paid with gifts arely to be initiated into this trend. the students ho stay at historically black high schools see the treatment and can only hope that things will go thier way on the next level. Many who leave the historically balck highschools do so beacuse they have "guaranteed" or negotiated roles on the white or private school scene. ...And with all the attention and white girls... You know the rest. I grew up with "A Diff'rent World",, they have this tourney and worst-THE BCS to ID and associate colleges with. Ask HOW, nothing else will point to resolutions from the student body and on. The best way to bring change is through the students. They can influence decisions made by these upcoming freshmen athletes. Trust me, in many cases- they come from the same crop as the ones put in the spotlight automatically for selling.