Basically, what Mrs. Bryant provided trustees was a historical overview of the College and the current arrangement.
Her email said "from 1982-1987 fiscal responsibilities for the College roatated annually between FAMU and FSU". This was changed in 1987, according to Mrs. Bryant, because the arrangement created a major burden between University budget officers and complicated system record keeping.
So the Joint Management Council of the Engineering schoool designated FAMU as the fiscal agent, Bryant told trustees. The Engineering College's Joint Management Council, which operates as its governing board, consist of the presidents of FAMU and FSU, vice presidents for academic affairs and vice presidents for addministration of both universities. The COE Dean serves as an ex-officio member of the Council.
Bryant told trustees that, "in order to maintain accountability the College of Engineering bugets was operated as a separate entity from the two universities."
Current legislative proposal
According to work papers establishing the Senate's budget for 200708 and circulated last week, College of Engineering budget was taken from FAMU and given to FSU, Bryant wrote.
Board Chair Challis Lowe, responded to Mrs. Bryant's email asking the following: If the Joint Management Council (JMC) has the authority to determine who the fiscal agent of should be how is it that the legiislature could make a decision to change it? Did the JMC discuss/approve this change? Did the athority over the decision change frorm the Council to the Legislature?
click on email below picture to enlarge
Castell: Quit Lying!
Control of E-School likely gone
Castell wants to give FSU E-School
Alumni oppose E-School transfer
Ofcourse, one would have to assume that Castell Corbin Bush was being honest with board. She has been known to lie!
ReplyDelete4/05/2007 12:39 PM - Anonymous.
ReplyDeleteNow you see why we rattlers want to get rid of Lowe? Once we get rid of fools like her, then the COE & FAMU will return right where it belongs!
The more serious issue I see here is that Castell exposes herself of the liar that she is! If her answer to Lowe's first question is 'yes' (and we all know that it is) then she lied when she was quoted in one of the central Florida newspapers that she was unaware that any such change was "afoot". This is evidence that she was aware that such action was taking place and that she endorsed it. The community should call for her immediate dismissal and a criminal investigation to determine what other lies have been told.
ReplyDeleteLet make this clear we serve a purpose for our community (African American) and that purpose is to provide an environment and culture that our children feel comfortable in to study and graduate in. Now if you FSU people don't, won't, or can't understand that well that's just too bad. I thought you would have known by now we don't care what you think or give a #$%^ about your opinion. Now when the day comes that race, religion, etc truly doesn’t mean anything is this country then I might agree that our mission is outdated. But that day isn’t today and if you think otherwise you are the ones truly not living or seeing the real world.
ReplyDeleteCOE is under FSU control for a year as they say and then will see what Ammons will do when that year is over. I'm confident he'll tell FSU’s President where to go if he tries anything. And don’t give me the legislation this and that cause they know what response they will get if they try anything funny with FAMU and I don’t think they want to make national news again with another incident.
Challis Lowe needs to step down and let someone new take over. FAMU is lowing ground under both Castell and Lowe. Time for change is here.
ReplyDeleteTHE TRUTH
ReplyDeleteWow!!!! Now the fsu people are commenting on here. I guess yall not satisfied to you all have the dam cake and eat it too.
Please shut the hell up fsu, it seems to be a waste of time arguing back and forth with you demons.
Let's be real for a minute...everybody is worrying about the COE, ole' boy T.K. thinks he have it in the bag...WRONG!!! When your year is up, FAMU will get back control of the E-school. Please fsu stop bitching and complaining cause that's exactly what you are doing.
Don't complain about FAMU mission. Non-blacks just don't apply to FAMU it's not a racial thing they just don't. Just like how FIU is just about an all hispanic school. As a matter of a fact(and it does exist) their a historically hispanic serving institution. Obviously you have not stepped a foot on campus, it's actually diverse, oh wait i forgot you see hbcu and you think crazy. Case point it's not about rankings its about quality, fsu is jealous because we have prestigious pharmacy, business, journalism, and a great teaching program, and a superb nursing program. FACE IT, you see gold on these seven hills and your jealous and you want it, please stop bitching...OH YEAH AND ONE MORE THING FAMU GRADUATES MAKE JUST ABOUT THE SAME SALARY AFTER GRADUATION AS FSU...SO PLEASE FSU STOP TRYING TO RIDICULE A SCHOOL THATS DOING MORE WITH LESS.
You FSU folks who think you are better that FAMU are racist! There is no evidence that FAMU has mismanaged e-schools funds. FSU now has operational control of the COE. FAMU’s participation has nothing to do with operational decisions, so the real the real reason for removing FAMU from the COE is RACISM. You FSU folks hate being associated with a predominantly black institution. Get use to it! Your degree will say FAMU/fsu Engineering College! Now you know what its like to be black!
ReplyDeleteFAMU deserves to be in charge of their own E School?
ReplyDeleteDon't think the Legislature would agree with you. No right minded politician will sink anymore funds into the FAMU abyss. UCF will take the Law School next.
Calling someone a racist? Coming from a Hysterically Black College University reminds me of the pot calling the kettle black.
The School is going to be split. FSU is moving forward without FAMU. If you still have your own E School it will be on FAMU's campus in an existing building. However, with that being said, the state will not spend the resources. They will primarily concentrate on FAMU's undergraduate education.
FAMU will not have an E School or Law School. It is coming and there is no stopping it. This is FAMU's own doing.
FAMU is not segregated. Segregation means using power to restrict opportunities to others on the basis of race.
ReplyDeleteFAMU's student population isn't majority black because FAMU has been barring white students. It is majority black because most white students prefer to attend majority white colleges.
The legislature is not going to touch the Law school nor FAMU involvement in the E-School. This not the politically correct thing to do. so you FSU folks are stuck with FAMU. Get use to it! Florida will be labeled a racist state if it does what you racists what it to do. You can forget it!
ReplyDeleteFAMU fails to recognize that diversity is the future of education. Jim Crow is over, but FAMU grasps to a past that is just that the past. FAMU is the least diverse student body in Florida, promoting a special mission that is outdated and false. We live in a diverse world it is time FAMU move out of the shadows and emerge from the cave.
ReplyDeleteFAMU will lose the E School and Law School why? FSU and UCF have more power and leverage. FAMU has nothing to stand on except for a criminal investigation by the FDLE and lets not forget the Dept. of Labor investigated 7 years of payroll records.
Hello....racist. This board is pathetic, that is the best you can do? What will FAMU be labeled then? An institution of crooks! 50 million off the books, that is 10 percent of your budget! Play the race card and it will not work. FAMU has cried wolf too many times and it is crying it again. Falling on deaf ears I might add.
ReplyDeleteFAMU is not accountable, it must earn the right to educate and teach our children.
None of you racists would be so upset if FAMU managed the COE funds, but its name was not identified with FSU. You people know race is the real reason you hate FAMU. If FAMU is removed from the E-school there will be hell to pay. FSU may get control for 1 year, but FAMU will again resume sharing in the management of the E-school. This is the American way! Get use to it!
ReplyDeleteFAMU is the least diverse student body in Florida, promoting a special mission that is outdated and false.
ReplyDeleteFAMU must not out-diversify itself. The state is not going to pay FAMU to do the same thing as FSU. The state is not going to finance two public universities in the same town to carry majority white undergraduate programs.
Furthermore, FAMU's mission is not outdated. FAMU has a special mission to education African Americans. All are encouraged to apply. However, there is nothing wrong with specializing in certain racial demographic. No one has any problem with FIU carrying a special mission to education Latin Americans.
There is no problem with FAMU being majority black. FIU and Miami (which is funded just like a private institution) are both majority Latin American and you have no complaints. You act lilke you want a white quota at FAMU. Why aren't you asking for quotas at FIU and Miami?
We live in a diverse world it is time FAMU move out of the shadows and emerge from the cave.
The need for diversity is exactly why FAMU needs to continue to focus on the needs of African Americans. By producing more black graduates, FAMU helps to diversify the American workforce.
Unlike FSU, FAMU does not have a history of rejecting students on the basis of race. The dearth of white students on FAMU's campus results from the simple fact that most whites don't want to attend a majority black institution.
We FAMUans know our school has many problems. It was because of us that problems have been brought to light.
ReplyDeleteThis board was the only voice for those who had FAMU's best interests at heart.
FSUans, START YOUR OWN BOARD IF YOU WANT TO SPEW SUCH UNSUBSTANTIATED INFORMATION. If these ideas are what you truly believe, then kindly take those conversations away from here.
Rattler Nation is a place where WE can fight to save OUR school. That "we" is not exclusively one race of people; it is comprised of those who want FAMU to succeed.
The next time I am stopped DWB, can't buy the house/car I am qualified to buy, am called out of my name, don't get the job for which I am more qualified and if I do get it, it's at a lower salary than fellow peers, am ignored in a store, followed in a store, not spoken to by my neighbors, and am told to quit whining because these experiences must be figments of my imagination (must I go on?), I want you to then tell me there is no more place for an HBCU.
You have NO idea what it is like to be black in this country and have NO place to say whether the mission of HBCU's is outdated. If you are black, congratulations for supposedly "making it", but there are a whole bunch of folks who aren't "there" yet.
You can cry to me about the money the good taxpayers are "wasting" after my people have been paid for the CENTURIES of work they were forced to do for free or for pennies.
The playing field is nowhere close to equal. If you haven't been taught that by FSU, then I must seriously question the value of your education. Don't want me to do that? Then quit questioning the value of mine!
I would very much like to know when was the last time, if ever, Dr. C. Bryant attended a Joint Management Council meeting.
ReplyDeleteso when did it become ok for the criminoles to run rampant on our blog?
ReplyDeleteWhy did you delete my comment and some of these others? Please note that the parts of this discussion with which you disagree have been removed. That shows that your unwilling to engage diverse viewpoints, including from those in the FAMU community sucdh as myself.
ReplyDeleteTake your ass over to Warchants.com and discuss whatever the hell you like. And I hope RN continues to delete that crap.
11:02--the folks on this board who are bashing FAMU are probably non-white and have bought into the myth that white is right.