Coming Up...

da rattler
+ The END is near?

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  1. Spill the beans!

    All this anticipation is killing me. Who? What?

  2. Oh, please!!! Is the FDLE already packing up her and the witches!!

  3. This is worse than a season of "24." Just when you think the bad guys have been defeated, another villianous plot emerges.

    I just wish there was a way to terminate Castell and appoint a capable, trustworthy interim until James Ammons arrives on July 2. I'm convinced that's the only way any of us will be able to breathe easy.

  4. Anonymous said...
    This is worse than a season of "24." Just when you think the bad guys have been defeated, another villianous plot emerges.

    I just wish there was a way to terminate Castell and appoint a capable, trustworthy interim until James Ammons arrives on July 2. I'm convinced that's the only way any of us will be able to breathe easy.

    4/29/2007 2:18 AM

    I second that^^^
    C'mon RN what's the deal?

  5. Oh for real?! Please tell me that you're referring to the end of the blatant outsourcing and the lack of concern for the FAMU professionals in EIT. From what I hear, Larry Henderson is driving FAMU IT into the depths and has a butt load of consultants riding shotgun.

  6. Wow!! I hope that things in IT aren't that bad. I remember Mr. Henderson talking to my some of my faculty members about IT not having any money. He said that he was going to request about $20M from the Legislature and take the rest out of PECO dollars in order to upgrade the network and buy computers.

    I don't know what all that entails, but I didn't hear him once say anything about adding to the staff. I guess if things are all outsourced, then keeping FAMU staff is irrelevant. Where's the "Excellence with Caring" if you're going to replace loyal FAMU employees with people who'll only work as long as there is a valid service contract and agreement?

  7. I guess y'all forgot that the NNN reported that Cast-Hell would be resigning after graduation.

  8. Resigning? Really??? RN, you know you need to give up the goods on this and quit making folks sweat.

  9. Dang, I have had my morning coffee. Please give up the goods. Alumni in town this weekend said there were no Castell Vaughn Bryant sitings and she is stepping down. Is this true?

  10. Anon 9:58,

    That's what i'm talking bout, check back at noon.

    I'm still trying to grasp this one. I still find it hard to believe, but... I heard it enough places.

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