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da rattler

Graduation is tomorrow at the Tallahassee Leon County Civic Center. That means families, friends and alumni from all over the country are in town to celebrate.

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  1. DaRattler,

    you better stay out of Lee Hall snapping pictures.

  2. Castell's parting words to graduates: Don't tell lies, because they will catch up with you.

  3. They should leave some boxes for Castell to begin packing!!!!!!

  4. the second comment. She needs to give that money back alsso. Just think of all the employees who did not receive payments on time. Many still have not been paid. But, she can get a raise and drive a new Jag!!! Wonder what department paid for that?????? What about the employees who were laid off and lost everything. How can see sleep at night? But, that is the devil's purpose to destroy and kill. Once again, to the graduates leave Cast hell some boxes on the steps of Lee Hall. Make sure you mark them for: CASTELL MOVE DAY!!! I'm sure she will have a lot of volunteers to help her on that day.

  5. Rattlernation, you know the Alumni from all across the country would like for you to post the official day of Castell's move out!!!! On that day, I would like to request that all Rattlers wear orange and green and strike all day!!!!! Make that devil and her helpers mad!!! Liars, Liars, are your pants on fire??

  6. DaRattler
    Take all the pictures you want. Just leave out the pictures of Castell. We do not want to see her face anywhere on campus.

  7. DaRattler & Insider,

    I would like to thank you for this site. This site is not a bunch of lies. Keep up the good work and remember to post the day of Castell's move out and let all true rattlers do their dance on that day!!!! THE RATTLER STRIKE!!! Let's put the hands up and do the strike!! BYE BYE CASTELL!!

  8. Yes! On the eve of her last day, boxes should be placed at the Lee Hall entrance marked "FCO"--"For Castell Only", clearly, legibly and promptly! I'm SERIOUS. If a law enforcement officer should happen by while this is being done, the
    box-placers can simply say that they are being neighborly, that we certainly wouldn't want Castell to throw her back out (thus giving her reason to prolong her stay in Tallahassee), that we're simply attempting to make her exit as pronto and smooth as possible. Who can begrudge a neighborly person? RN--can you send the clarion call out for this to happen? SERIOUSLY!

  9. 6:01p,

    Yes, I'm with you on that. However, I think the law enforcement will place some boxes on the steps too!! Check this out, the VP's are not submitting their resignations!! But, all of you must go, so start packing up, its over now, you tried to defeat the rattlers, but its over now!!! TO THE LEFT!!!

  10. Especially Ms. June, Greenleaf, Ali, Manning, McBride. Give those resignations so Ammons can bring back the mission of the University, "Excellence With Caring". Dr. Ammons is a caring person and he displays that caring spirit. He never would have laid off all those people from the University. Those actions were never heard of. It takes someone who has a heart. Did the departments get any better or was any money gained by doing this? No, it got even worse!! Take a look at the Dorms. Parents picking up their kids on Friday in front of Gibbs, McGuinn were shaking their heads. Dorms are in the worse shape ever!!! One parent stated that her daughter could not even use the laundry facilities, because rust was in the lines and she did not want to mess up her clothing. Did not even want to use the bathroom, because mold & mildew was outrageous and it smelled terrible. But, we had a new VP to come in and what happened? Absolutely nothing!! Look at Polkinghorne Village, nice area overlooking the stadium, going to waste!!!! Once again, Castell and the witches must go!!

  11. Wonder if FAMU Police will escort Cast-Hell and Crew from their offices like they did so many of the employees she fired?

  12. 11:39 I happened through the women's dorms at Homecoming. They were a complete embarassment. I don't know what Castell did to earn nearly $1,000,000. Keeping that money is just this side of thievery.

  13. The lifestyle here has to be better defined. Schools our size can graduate 90+ percent if we keep our students from moving out into the TALLAHASSEE community. Especially in those Private Dorms all around town. They're ugly, and most students don't want to live in them after one time around. Really it also fuels them to "keep up with the Jonses(Seminloe students)". Part-time jobe turn full, and the student is no longer "IN COLLEGE". Sily taking classes. I know that this has wored for some, but it is NOT the best plan. Vanderbilt U. and Bowdoin College both have impressive rates for retention and graduation. Key is: HOUSING and STUDENT LIFE.

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